04. Beryllium

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Name: Beryl Vaquelin

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Name: Beryl Vaquelin

Species: Beryllium

Gender: Female

Age: 30 years old

Height: 102 cm

Weight: unknown (known to be the second lightest character after Litho)



Beryl Vaquelin is a mysterious woman who work at her own shop named Beryl Jewelry Shop, which like the title is, the shop is sell beryl gems such as emerald, heliodor, red beryl or bixbite, aquamarine, maxixe, morganite, goshenite, and trapiche emerald.


Beryl is somewhat mysterious. She can be somewhat kind and charming, but she can be somewhat toxuc and michevious depending on what she saw or the environment she lived in. But she isn't two-faced villain. She just a trikster who likes to make tricky plan of her own of she want it by herself or for other people who really want it. She can be sometimes ambiguous about her moral compass. People always misundertand her appearance as tiny and weak woman, but she is actualy pretty strong and she also said that she have been become jet fighter on her teenage life.

Races facts:

Beryllium are the second lightest races after Lithium and the second lighthest metal in in every metal. Their height for male is 100 to 120. While female is 100 to 110. For childrens is in 70 to 80.

They are really mysterious and somewhat rare to shown up in society. They are also toxic element which means they have body that is actualy toxic to living life.

Majority of them are work as gem hunter, especialy hunting for beryl gems. They have a myths if they eat beryl once they'll have a better luck.

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