~Chapter 1~

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The team were all peacefully eating breakfast when all off a sudden a bomb was rolled into the tower, all being alert hid Steve flipping the table them all hiding behind it. When no explosion happened the team cautiously stood and when they did smoke filled the room.

They all covered their mouths with their clothing but the gas was stronger and made its way through the fabric and one by one Steve Bucky and Natasha being the last they all fell unconscious in the eating area.

Hours later they all woke up in a dimly lit theatre. "Where the hell are we?" Natasha grumbled sitting up right in the chair. She looked around amid put two and two together and looked around seeing everyone else slowly rise from their slumber.

Just then the doors swung open and what looked to be guards brought in more people except these people had all their consciousness. Around 10 more people were brought in and placed on seats. Natasha withdrew a gun from her boot and pointed it at a guard.

"I thought you said you searched and stripped them of all weapons." Came a deep voice from over the intercom. "What are you doing?! Who are you!?" She asked looking around her gun still outstretched. "Don't worry miss Romanoff, you are safe no one's gonna get hurt but your gonna move from the seat and let the guard search you again but properly you know and love everyone in this room you have nothing to worry about." The voice assured.

Still weary she moved from her seat and a guard approached her, she handed her gun and obeyed the orders the guard patted her down pulling too more guns from her boot and backed up when she kicked him for getting too handsy.

"Okay now tell us what's going on!?" Steve asked. The guards left and the recently brought in people stood and turned around. "Oh my god hey!" Natasha said, Melina Alexi and Yelena all stood in front off her as well as Thor, Loki, nick and Maria. Yelena ran and hugged Natasha.

"So this is who you've been talking about." Clint said smiling finally being able to meet these highly praised people Natasha's been talking about. "Okay okay calm down." Came the voice again. "Why are we here? who are you?" Natasha asked again.

"You can call me F6 and you are here because it seems the team and your beloved family still don't know who you really are. So today we're gonna fix that problem and everyone is gonna watch your life on the big screen."

"What the hell!" Natasha yelled. "Yo calm down red it can't be that bad." Tony said. "No no you don't understand it's very bad let's just- we need to get out off here." She said running to the door trying to push it open. "there's no wait out miss Romanoff I suggest you all sit down and watch I would say enjoy but there's not many joyful things about miss Romanoffs life."

Natasha groaned and reluctantly sat down in between Steve and Clint, Yelena Melina and Alexi was sat in front off them as well as Loki and Thor. Nick and Maria sat besides Clint. Pepper, tony, happy, Peter and Bruce the row behind them and vision, Wanda, Bucky and Sam the row behind that.

"This is ridiculous why my life?" She complained. "Because your the hiding lies miss Romanoff." F6 told her. "The team has been truthful and open about themselves you on the other hand haven't."

"Just calm down it can't be that bad." Steve reassured holding her hand tightly. The screen turned on and the lights dimmed further. Natasha sighed and her stomach twisted in nerves already hating it.

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