~Chapter 7~

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Showed the year 2004 on, Natasha lay on the top off a building a sniper propped up as she aimed precisely through the large building in front off her. It then flash backed to fury and Clint.

"Oh look it's us." Fury said and Clint clapped. "The true stars." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"This girl has been an agent since birth" fury started. "She is the deadliest assassin, she will kill anyone and everyone with her hands if needed. The hospital fire, the office fire." He flicked through pictures. "The mall mass murder, 20 house in ashes that was all her."

"Damn!" They all said.

"She needs to be stopped right away she is threat to everyone." He handed Clint the file. "Get to work I need her sorted today." He ordered Clint nodded.

"Sorry Natasha." Fury apologised.

Back too Natasha sitting on the roof it showed who she was aiming at, nick fury. Then it panned over to the other roof and showed Clint with his bow and Arrow crouched on the roof with a wall. He was ready to shoot when he pulled his quiver down and crouched behind the wall. "I can't nick, I don't know why but there's something about her she isn't doing this by choice." He told him through the earpiece he glanced over And saw Natasha she stepped away from the sniper.

"And it seems she doesn't wanna kill you either I'm gonna go get her bring her in okay?" He told fury before swinging himself to the other building. She pulled another gun on him and he put his hands up his bow and arrow in his back. "I'm not here to hurt you okay? Put the gun down I can help." She shook her head. "You can't help."

"Then why didn't you shoot?" He asked. "Who do you work for?"

"KGB, they say he's a disgrace to the world the whole off shield is but I read into it and it seems to be doing good." She said Clint nodded. "He's a good person kgb are lying to you, wouldn't you rather be at home."

"I don't have a home, or well not one I want to go back to anyways." She told him truthfully. "How old are you?"


"Your just a kid come on I'm gonna help okay I will stop whoever's controlling you I'll show you just how good shield is and They'll give you your senses back you'll be in control off yourself" He said softly. "Are they gonna hurt me I don't want them to hurt me."

"Do you wanna hurt them?" "Not anymore." "Then your good"

She nodded and he held his hand out she grabbed it and they began to walk to the roof top exit she quickly let go and ran back and picked up her sniper.

"I kinda thought you were gonna jump off the roof."Tony said they all agreed.

They walked into shield and everyone withdrew guns at Natasha who remained unfazed. "Hold your fire and put the guns away!" Clint told them. "Agent Barton what are you doing?"

"She's not a bad person she's a kid she's only 19, I need her taken to dr cho reverse the brainwash so she's in control of her faculties." Dr cho walked over.

"I need to search her weapons." Natasha shook her head. "No one's touching me, touch me and I'll slice your throat." She threatened.

"No no there not like the men from kgb fury's a good guy okay no one here wants to hurt you."

"Bring her in my office dr cho follow everyone else back to work." He instructed.

The four went into his office. "If you ask I'll give you my weapons." She told him. "Okay would you mind stripping yourself off every weapon you have please?" She nodded and placed the sniper on the table, she took the four guns from her holster of her black widow suit, two more from each boot along with knives and throwing stars.

"That's it I promise." "Okay dr cho take her down to the lab see what you can do, Barton stay." Dr cho lead Natasha out the room and too the medical unit. "Let her stay, hire her she's good she, means well." Clint told fury.

"Awe that's sweet." Natasha cooed.

"Maybe because your deaf your eyes work to well." Fury said. "Work Better then yours." Clint joked. "I'll have her on trial where will she stay."

"I'll take her in she was raised in a cruel place it's idea for her to be alone." Fury nodded. "Okay I'll come to your safe house tomorrow with a contract for her. You better be right on this one." Clint nodded and left to go down to medical.

"How is she?" He asked dr cho Natasha was asleep on the bed. "I ran some tests you were right and I was able to remove all brain wash serum in her but there loads other serums in her." Dr cho explained. "But she's got her own state of mind back right?" She nodded.

"She going home with you?" Clint nodded. "She won't be awake for another 2 hours, get her on a jet and go home." Clint thanked her and put Natasha in a wheel chair and took her to the jet where he laid her on the bed in their and took off staying as pilot.

"Who knew Clint could be so nice." Tony teases Clint flipped him off.

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