~Chapter 3~

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Their was girls crying and Natasha and Yelena where shoved into the back off a truck, the two huddled in the corner

Soldiers shouted in Russian and gunfire made the children cry and scream in fear.

The song smells like teen spirit by think up anger ft Malia j began playing children screams heard in the background. Children were torn away.

"Remove all the defects."

"Defects what!?" Tony yelled.

"That one and her." Natasha and Yelena were dragged away by different soldiers into opposite directions. "No!"

"Take it! Take it! No!"

Kids lined up against a shipping container holding personal belongings. Then showed Natasha at a 'tea party'.

Dreykov walked up to Natasha and cupped her face "The Red Room is your home now."

"Get off me! No!"

It shows Natasha face her curled up looking absolutely terrified.

Dreykov drove off and sirens blared in the background.

TV REPORTER: Undercover spies in our communities. They took on false identities, even raised families...

"Oh it wasn't real." Sam said slowly.

"It was real to us." Natasha replied.

Showed Natasha sitting at a laptop, cartoons, her slurping on a juice box the kids being hypnotised by the cartoons.

Then showed someone tying a red ribbon in their hair. Then shooting at a target.

Then it showed a photo shoot, kids getting photos taken off them in a stage set up.

Then showed pigs comparing them to kids who were being tested on

"The cartoons?" Tony said. "It brainwashed you, they had good technology and they had there ways no kid would deny the chance to have some normality in their life."

Showed Natasha strapping on her widow bites, then someone on a beam. A group off girls in sync from their uniform to leotard.

They pricked there finger with a needle then began sowing the red hourglass symbol.

It showed Natasha fixing her belt the sliding a gun in her thigh holster. Showed a table off men one circled in red. Kids marching. Explosions. Targets. Then showed pictures off Natasha as she grew up.

"They compared you too pigs." Wanda said angrily.

Natasha had tears in her eyes but didn't let them fall. "Well it's like the same thing we were all test subjects, they only wanted the strongest ones you couldn't do it you couldn't keep, one off your friends would have to kill you you hesitated you were dead. It was a live or death situation, you kill to stay alive." She explained.

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