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Naruto's POV

I run as fast as I can, not taking a single moment to catch my breath. I dash around corners in hopes of losing them, the villagers.

While looking behind my shoulder I see that They are catching up. They're gonna get me! I look around frantically to try and find an escape. My brain is foggy, I can't think straight! Even though I know Konoha's streets like the back of my hand, I can't seem to remember anything. I notice that I'm hyperventilating, and not just from the running. I need to lose them, and soon! There!

3rd Person

He ran down an ally way only to twist around, it was a dead end. It was too late though. The crowd already began forming around the narrow opening.

One man with a beer bottle stepped closer. He snarled in disgust, "It's about time you fully pay for what you did. I won't EVER get them back you demon. They were innocent! And you killed them all!"

Another man piped up, "Yeah! Do you know how many you killed. You're a fucking monster."

It was October 10th, the small boys birthday. Unlike most kid's birthdays, this wasn't a day to celebrate. Every year on Naruto's birthday the village hosted a festival to remember the attack of the nine-tailed-demon-fox. People celebrated the village's strength and courage that their ninjas displayed on that fateful night. It was also a time that many used to mourn the deaths of those lost in the battle.

Many people didn't mourn in peaceful ways though. Late in the evening many people would go on what they called a "fox hunt". They'd look for the boy, Naruto, who held the fox's spirit.

While many times Naruto endured pain everyday, this day was always worse. He would have tried to stay inside, but just like past couple years, his father kicked him out so that they could mourn peacefully.

This led to the situation that the five-year-old was in now. He slowly backed away as the men got closer. Soon his back was pushed up against the wall, fear in his eyes. He saw all the sharp objects the five men held, all meant to hurt him. He trembled and shut his eyes hoping, begging that it would all be over soon.

He felt rough hands yank his arms above his head. He screamed as a knife was punctured through his wrists into the wall behind him. Blood trickled down his arms as he screamed in pain. This was only the beginning.

The villagers used whatever weapons they had to cut through his flesh. They tore off what little clothes he had on leaving him only in his briefs. His lacerations steamed as they slowly closed themselves, enraging the men further.

Naruto's POV

Why? Why me? What did I ever do to deserve all this? I never killed anyone. I promise. Just make it stop. Please. Please. "Please s-stop." Though I meant to scream it I could only muster a small whisper.

One man spat at me and said in what could only be considered bloodlust, "You didn't show any mercy, so why should we. Don't act like you're all innocent. You might look like a child, but everyone knows what you really are." Throughout yelling at me he got louder and louder. His anger boiled over and he flipped the blade around in his hand and stabbed me three times while yelling, "Everyone knows that you're just a WORTHLESS. FUCKING. BRAT. I should've killed you last year." He kicked me in the stomach where all three stab wounds were. Except one, which was just to the right of my heart.

I coughed up blood and cried out in pain as black spots entered my vision. They didn't last long though. I was slapped awake. The pain was overbearing. The mourning lasted what felt like hours, but I'm not sure how long it actually was. 

After I had been kicked and stabbed more times then I could count, one of the men yanked the kunais out of my hands, leaving gaping holes in them.

Throughout time the sharpness of the knife and the weight that it bared caused the sharp object to travel from my wrists to my palms.

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