Chapter 3 New Friend

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3 years have pasted and now the Worker Drones have better lives at work. As for Andros and his sister they too have better lives at work and thing were going very cool. When it was time to call it a day. Andros was Outside of the quarry he was enjoying the view of the star when he met some very surprising.

Uzi -

Uzi: "Hey Andros

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Uzi: "Hey Andros."

Andros: "U-Uzi! I didn't expect you to be here."

Uzi: "Well let's just say a certain someone told where you were."

James: "My sister Karone told you, didn't she?"

Uzi: "You guessed it!"

Andros: "Why did she send you here?"

Uzi: "Because she told me how you were so stressed out and need someone to talk to you about your feelings."

Andros: "Well the thing is that the CEO thinks your nothing but robots that serve a purpose, and I hate it!

Uzi: "Whoa I didn't think the humans cared about my people."

Andros: "Well you're looking at one of them."

Uzi: "Is that so, well tell me, do you really care about my people that badly?"

Andros: "I would do nothing more but help you, and your people. In other words I would lay down my life for the life of your people, and you."

Uzi was so shocked that she had nothing to say, but then she blushed, and Andros started to blush as well and then unexpectedly kissed each other. Back on earth the CEO was watching, and he was about to begin something very bad.

CEO: "The time has come, begin Operation; Cyber Initiative!"

When Andros and Uzi broke the kiss, they heard the alarm going off and then they freaked out wanting to know what's going on!

Karone: "Brother!"

Andros: "Sis what's going on!?"

Karone: "The CEO is about to make the planets core explode!"

Andros: "WHAT!!!"

Karone: "What do we do!?"

Andros: "I don't know!"

Uzi: " Follow me, I have an idea!"

As Andros, and Karone were following Uzi she stopped she opened a door on the floor!

Uzi: "We can use this bunker I built to keep us safe, Now quickly get in!"

As they all got in, they stayed put waiting for the explosion to be over, they were all knocked out, and as the explosion was over Uzi woke up, and noticed the explosion was over.

Uzi: *Sigh* " Glad that's over, right g-?"

Uzi looked at Andros and Karone then she gasped in horror seeing that we were both dead!

Uzi: "NO NO NO NO NO! Guys you can't die not now!" 

Uzi Knew that this was the end for them until she realized that She knew how to fix this.

Uzi: "Okay I know what must be done,  but guys when you wake up, you won't be entirely yourselves, I just hope you understand what I have to do."

Murder Drones (PILOT) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now