Secrets are a Burden

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At Lunch
Elliot sees Rue sitting by herself at the table eating chicken and fries smacked asf. Elliot sits at the table and tells Rue what happened earlier. "Ari kissed me" Elliot says while sitting down. "what" Rue said in confusion and continued eating. Elliot looks around before speaking and whispers "Ariella kiss me".

"On the lips?" rue questioned.

"Yes on the lips, right in the hallway!!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Okay so why you telling me this playboy" Rue said laughing while throwing a fry in her mouth.

"Because i'm confused, your her best friend does she talk about me or anything?" Elliot questioned.

"Trust me if she talked about you i wouldn't tell you anyways but no she hasn't spoke about you to me if that's what your wondering"

"So why would she kiss me if she clearly doesn't like me in that way"

"Omg elliot relax we don't know what goes on in that girls head. Why are you so worried anyways" rue says while continuing to eat her food. Elliot is silent scratching his neck. Then she starts to think like the detective she is and drops her chicken and says "OMG YOUR CRUSHING ON-" before she's interrupted.

"Oou someone has crush who?" Jules says sitting at the table with a tray in her hand.

"Nothing" rue says trying to disregard the conversation because she knows to keep elliot secret the same way he's keeping her secret of her doing drugs again.

"But i just heard you guys talking about Elliot having a crush" Jules said confused,

"Yeah it's nothing just forget about it" Rue replies back.

Jules feels a type away and she gets up and leaves the cafeteria.

Ariella POV

Ari is walking down the hallway to lunch. As she walks she plays with her wrist to help with the soreness. Without paying attention she accidentally bumps Cassie in the shoulder.

"Hey watch we're your going" Cassie says with a slight tone.

"Trust me i'm watching everything" Ari says back with sassy because she fed up with her whole day already. And isn't a fan of Cassie since she knows about what she did yesterday.

"Okay??" Cassie replies back in confusion and begins to walk away to just ignore the weird response she just heard. Ari keeps walking but her head is turned around looking at Cassie walk with a disgusted look on her face. "Fucking skank" ari says to herself in low voice that no one can really hear. Then she bumps into Jules right near the cafeteria door. Ari turns around facing Jules and thinks to her "jesus christ how many times am i gonna bump into people today im so over school" "Oh sorry" Jules says in a soft tone. "its fine" ari says walking away trying to avoid anything else that's can piss her off today. "um hey ari can i talk for a minute" Jules continued in a soft tone. Ari rolls her eyes before turning around because she isn't the biggest fan of Jules because she knows Jules was the reason for Rue's relapse. "Sure wassup" Ari said trying to be nice knowing it's still rues girlfriend. "Is rue into Elliot?" Jules questions ari. "No not at all" Ari says laughing.

"Are you sure? I over heard them at the table by themselves talking about a crush. I don't want to lose Rue i just got her back."

"Jules you have nothing to worry about trust me Rue only wants you" Ari says reassuring her and begins to walk into the cafeteria and she sees Elliot. He waved at her and gives her a little smirk she does the same in return, Then she's pulled away by a girl with amazing nails who turns out to just be her sister Maddy. Maddy sits her down at there table with Kat, Ethan, BB, and an empty seat where Cassie supposed to be. Once Ari notices that Cassie isn't there she tells her self that she knows exactly where Cassie at and exactly what she doing and who she's with. She not surprised, a person who's a skank will always be a skank.
It's just sad what she's doing to Maddy, her own best friend. "You guys wanna do something this weekend?" BB asks.
"Let's go bowling" Kat states. "I'm down" Maddy says shrugging her shoulders in agreement. "I would loveee to but i'm hang out with Elliot and Rue this weekend." Ari says to the table to avoid seeing Cassie there.

"Ouu so you Elliot are ya like a thing or something" Maddy says trying to get the tea out of Ari on her relationship status.

"There is no me and Elliot" Ari say contradicting Maddy's question.

"Ari there's no need to lie, almost the whole school knows about you and Elliot making out in the halls."

" What? How do people know about that"

"Some girl saw you guys, yk how things travel around in this school. If you wanted it a secret you should have ate his face somewhere more private" Maddy says jokingly.

"I was not eating his face" Ari says in denial.

"Mhm sure, but you might as well bring your boyfriend to bowling Kat's bringing hers"

"He's not my boyfriend, but what about Rue"

"She can come to with Jules since there together now"

"Okay the decision is final we are all going to go bowling this weekend and gonna have a great time" Kat states.

"Oh wait where's Cassie, what about her is she coming too?" BB questions. Ari rolls her eyes from just hearing her name. "Cassie's been like MIA, I doubt she would want to go anyways she's been ignoring my calls" Maddy says a little upset. "Don't worry about her we'll just all have fun with out her this weekend since she doesn't know how to answer the phone but Maddy i need to tell you something."Ari says to Maddy. While Ari said that to Maddy Kat and Ethan started to do lovey dovey stuff at the table. Maddy gets distracted and looks over at them a little frown appears on her face and Ari notices. "Um Maddy you okay?" Ari whispers to Maddy.
"Yeah, I just wish i can experience love like that have something pure and real and happy" Maddy whispers back in a sad tone. "It's okay Maddy i'm here and I love you and my love is real" Ari says holding Maddy hand to comfort her.

"Thank you sis but what did you have to tell me."

Ari acknowledged the fact that Maddy is hurting right now and didn't want to hurt her even more at the moment with the information she knew about Nate and Cassie. "Oh never mind i forgot when i remembered i'll tell you later, but i'm here for you Maddy fr." Ari says comforting her again. The only thing Ari could think of was how was she going to tell her sister about her back stabbing bestfriend without feeling like a bad sister for not telling.

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