Fire and Ice

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Serene. Calm. Tranquil. That's what a particular blond would describe his current surroundings as. Peaceful as can be-everything his mind was not. The sweet melody of colourful birds that flew freely in the blue skies, weaved through the air, along with the exquisite smell of such simple a thing as dirt. Mm, the Prince didn't even realise he missed these forests so damn much.

An hour into the particularly uneventful forest, and the blond had his thoughts collected and mind calm. He soon realised that he needed to find, or possibly, build a place for him to temporarily reside in. Another hour flew by, the Prince searching for possible hideouts-preferably, hidden, warm, cozy caves. An hour more. And then another. The sun getting hotter and hotter as the afternoon went by, probably testing Taehyung's will. Another hou-

Oh wait, he found a cave just the next minute. Lucky.

However, the boy soon realised he wasn't completely lucky. The cave, though well hidden, and had no signs of any possible wild inhabitants, was damp and smelt strongly of mosses and had dense undergrowth. Definitely not hygienic. So, the Prince rolled his sleeves up and grabbed the hilt of his dagger-that was most definitely not meant for cutting grass and shrubs, but it wasn't like he had any other choice-and set to work. Vera was still resting so he couldn't use his powers.

Sixty minutes of hardcore manual labour-cutting and clearing and throwing the dead plants away, and cleaning and washing and lastly, scattering some wild jasmine flowers and freshly cut lemons all around his den-and he was exhausted. Absolutely drained. Who would have thought it would be this tiring to survive in the wilderness, and it hasn't even been a day for crying out loud! The cave, thankfully, looked somewhat better, without all it's undergrowth and putrid smell. Quite homey, if Taehyung does say so himself.

The next thing he'd need, after shelter, would be food-mmh, the mere thought of it elicited a hungry growl from his tummy. And so the blond set out, in search for treasure, hoping he'd stumble upon a bush of the juiciest berries, or chance upon a stream with clear, fresh water, and an unlimited supply of fish, thus resolving his supper issues and possibly become his personal food trove for the near future.

It was getting darker every passing minute.

'Ugh, I feel horrible.', spoke the sweet voice in his mind, startling him.
'Vera! You're back.'
'Don't scream, you dolt. Also, I'm not gonna speak anymore. Need to conserve energy. You can use your powers for a little light though.'

A soft, blue light emanated from the blond's palm, illuminating his near surroundings. A few minutes later, he also found a few berries and fruits from here and there, definitely not from reliable and perennial sources, but they'd have to do. For now. Taehyung made a mental note to go around hunting as early as possible the next day.

The Prince, deep in the crevices of his brilliant mind, creating future plans and buzzing with survival thoughts, momentarily lost contact with the present, and noticed the broken branch in his path one second too late. Crunch. The sound echoed through the forest, almost as visible ripples.

'Oh gods'.

The blond stilled completely. Working in silence definitely is one of the top three rules to be followed for survival in the forest, and he just had to be the fool that messed up.

A sudden movement, had the Prince get into his defensive stance and pull out his dagger. His ears caught a low, menacing growl just as the bushes in front of him rustled. His grip on the dagger tightened. Out jumped a wild cat, with pointed ears and golden eyes, it's canines bared and claws out, a snarl rumbling through its throat.

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