
31 10 94

Double update! Also, this is long as hell and a little messy I think? Sorry!


In which Taehyung ice skates and has to perform at an event, alone, if he doesn't find a partner soon. And here's the catch-he does find a partner.


The golden rays of the setting sun drizzled through the large windows, right onto the ice of the skating rink making it glitter dazzlingly. Two figurines swept their way through the ice, faces glowing from all the hard-work. Or perhaps it was just the effect of the magical sunlight.

"We should get going Jimin-ah. We've already overstayed past closing time. Hyung must want to get home too.", spoke the skater with silver hair, coming to a smooth stop.

"Hm, fine! Just one last round, 'kay?"

And without even waiting for a reply, the blond skater named Jimin zooms past his dear friend, his soulmate, Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung only sighs and laughs to himself, gliding towards the sidelines to take off his ice skates.

A few moments later, and the two giggly best friends were making there way out of the in-built ice-skating rink of their university, the bags that contained their gear slung over their shoulders. They came to a stop before the rink's gatekeeper, who was dozing off on his cozy brown chair. A mischief-filled glance was exchanged between the students. Uh oh—

"HYUNG!! IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE! WE HAVE TO EVACUATE NOW!", scream the friends in unison.


Their poor Hoseok hyung who, might I add, is an absolute scaredy cat, jumps right out of his sleep and onto his feet, before scowling harshly at the loud laughter of his mischievous little friends echoing through the hallway.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. Scare the Hoseok hyung, it always works. Hmph, brats!"

"Sorry hyung, but in my defense, I did try to stop him.", says Taehyung, face all innocent, sporting a boyish grin.

"Hey! It was your damn idea—"

"Please shut up, the two of you. I deal with way too much for this salary ugh!", says Hoseok, before he remembers something and his face morphs into one of seriousness.

It causes both Jimin and Taehyung to stop their bickering and giggling and pay attention.

"What's wrong, hyung?, asks Jimin, cautious because what if this is a revenge prank or something?

However his thoughts are proven wrong when Hoseok actually begins the 'serious' conversation.

"They're shutting down this rink.", he says, carefully gauging the reactions.

A second passes. And then another. And then both their faces change to ones of shock and disbelief.

"You're joking right, hyung? Why would they even do that?", asked Taehyung, while Jimin's still processing his shock.

"Apparently the rink's not really used by many students and it just seems like it's uselessly occupying all this space when instead they could make a swimming pool and help with the swim club's sudden growth. They're gonna watch for one last month but if it goes on like this, I'm afraid we're going to have to say bye to this beauty.", replies Hoseok, voice growing slower and slower watching the faces in front of him fall with sadness.

"And your job?"

It warms his heart that his babies care about him too rather than just thinking about their beloved skating rink. So he smiles.

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