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We still don't know what happened to Modeus and Y/N but maybe someday you'll know anyways let's go back to the story..

So I am here in my house trying to read a book, staying away from all the alpha in hell, just the usual but today something is off, like something is...wrong.
Maybe it's just my imagination.


After a few hours that felt like days, someone went in my house I heard a loud and clear smash of the window...I feel like they're finding me I need to hide.


I don't feel safe here I need to figure out how to leave without being caught by the Alpha that's here.
I wish I could-
Wait I could teleport!, yea that could work! Here goes nothing.

She managed to escape..for now

Author's POV
Y/N is running through the depths of hell as she runs to go through a hallway with the Alpha far away from her tracks she was pulled by her color and through the dark alley.
She probably got pulled an Alpha right?
As the poor demon shake in fear as a sweat drops down to her face and angelic voice called out to her.
"Hey are you ok?"
Y/N opened her eyes confused.
What would an angel do in an place like this she wondered before she could say anything  the angel pulled out her notepad and begin speaking.
"I've seen you run as if..you were running away from someone.." the angel asked as she pointed her pencil on her mouth curious to know the reason why the demon was running.
Y/N could only do is not for she doesn't trust anyone that crosses her path.
"Let's go to my place..where there is no one so you won't be tense ok?"
The angel smiled at the poor girl but the poor girl could only nod.
Y/N said in her mind it seems the she is not lying right?
But before anything else happened the angel asked
"So are you an Alpha or...a beta?"
The angel asked while writing on her notepad trying to get answers from the demon girl.
Y/N looked in horror as she look around nervously.
" I'm an omega-"
Y/N panicked as she quickly covered the angel mouth then look around nervously and let go of the angel when the surrounding is clear.
" My sincerest apology..it's just that I haven't run into any omegas in my whole trip, they seem pretty rare"
The angel said while cocking her head to the side.
"Well...we do exist but we're just hard to find"
The nervous demon said to the curious angel as the angel take notes on her notepad seemingly interested.
"Oh ok got it!"
"Ok ehm...we usually don't leave our houses since we don't wanna run into any alphas here..we only go if it is necessary.."
The demon explained while the angel listened intently through the whole conversation.
"Ok I understand it very well"
The angel closed her notepad and tucked it in her outfit, she held her hand to introduce herself.
"Greeting and Salutations..I am Azazel, I am an angel!..what's your name?"
The angel smiled patiently as she waits for the answer.
"Umm.the name is Y/N nice to meet you..."
The nervous demon returned the handshake.
"This is the new beginning of our friendship"
The angel smiled and she begin walking ad the demon walked beside her.




To be continued...

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