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The letter Technoblade received that day was unexpected. He didn't know how he was found. He ran away before, and didn't come back until he wanted to.

Naturally, he assumes that it's a letter from his parents when it arrives, telling him to come home. But, he still checked the name on the back. Dream. Techno doesn't know a "Dream", but he was curious. So, he opened the letter. A foolish thing to do, really.

Dear Technoblade,

I'm writing this letter to propose something to you. My name is Dream, but you already knew that from the letter didn't you? I figured you would look at the back, you would assume this was from your parents. Isn't that right?

The deal I want to make with you will require you to visit me in person. I'm in the Anrock Mountains, it'll be the first cave you see. Have a safe journey, beware of the wolves.


Techno was intrigued, probably more than he should be. What kind of teenager goes to a cave in the mountains, to a man he doesn't know? But, his curiosity won. He took the challenge, stuffing the note in his bag. What could go wrong, anyways?

The trip was long and exhausting, he was beginning to regret not bringing water. After all, what more could the body of a 17 year old take? Not a lot, especially if you don't work on climbing. He wishes he was like a goat hybrid, that way he could easily climb up. No, he was just a stupid human.

When he finally, finally got there, a boy that looked in his 20s sat in the cave. He was reading a book, and seemed to be fixed by it. Nevertheless, he was able to notice Techno the moment he set foot on the rocky ground. The man smiled at him, Techno assumed that was Dream.

"Pleasure to meet you, Technoblade," Dream smiles and holds out a hand for him to shake. It's scarred on the back of it and is calloused when he shakes it. Technoblade nods and looks around nervously,

"How did you know who I am? Or where I was, along with the fact I assumed it was from my parents?" Technoblade practically drowns Dream in questions, he only holds out a hand for him to stop.

"It's not important. You want to know the deal, right?"

"Right," He nods stiffly and crosses his arms.

"I want to offer you to become immortal. That means you can't get hurt, and really it's a great gift." Dream shrugs and hands him a book with green writing in a language he can't understand. 

"All you have to do is sign. Right here," He hands the pink-haired teen a pen and points at a line near the bottom.

"No catch?" Technoblade eyes Dream carefully, squinting his eyes.

"Well, it'll give you enhanced strength, hearing, and sight, if that's what you mean."

He eyes the reading, trying to figure out what it says. Yet, he can't figure out a single thing. Not thinking much of it, he signs the paper. As soon as he does he hears a laugh, and ends up somewhere he doesn't know with voices screaming at him.

Techno is sent in a panic, desperately trying to figure out where the voice is coming from. He can barely hear his own thoughts, let alone his heartbeat. He's screaming and running through the forest as he tries to get away. The voices are still there, taunting him, screaming at him, yelling his name.

Yelling blood god.

He wondered why, he remembered not being able to handle it. There was constant pressure and screaming in his head until he learned how to calm them. But, all the while, he just wanted five minutes of peace.

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