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The journey to Las Nevadas is long and hot. Well, maybe that's because the founder of Las Nevadas just had to put it in the middle of a desert. Of course, the journey wasn't painstakingly long since Wilbur could scout out for the country from the air. There were moments along the way where Techno would call up to the boy flying above if he saw anything. A faint response would be given, Techno would have to rely on his hearing to be able to receive said response.

The city is small, yet flooded with lights under the night sky. A large, lit-up bridge lays in the center of the large area, where a large fountain lays underneath. There's a ferris wheel shining red, a large restaurant that rotates sat on a pole held by bending pillars underneath. Said restaurant has open space with what look like glass railings in the middle of the circular exterior sat on top. Wilbur thinks it just might be his favorite structure in the whole city.

An old-looking movie theater sits somewhere near to what looks like a city-hall building. It seems an awful lot like the court back in Matastead, but larger and brighter.

A large sign stands in front of the two gods, it reads "Welcome to Fabulous Las Nevadas" with lights surrounding it. It's outlined in blue, as well are the words the same blue, excluding Las Nevadas which is in red. Well-gardened bushes line the concrete path they walk along.

A man with black hair poking from a dark-blue beanie approaches them. He wears a white button up with a red tie, black suspenders, and a dark-red corset with gold laces. His black jeans are incredibly ripped at the knees, thighs, and shins. A black and white checkered patterned cloth hangs from the black belt he wears. A scar lays across his eye in a slash. Concrete sound under black, platform boots as he walks to them with a cunning smile.

"Welcome to Las Nevadas," He says and holds out two hands. Apparently he's caught Wilbur's attention with the way he's eager to shake his hand. Techno, on the other hand, is just slightly hesitant with shaking his hand.

"It's a wonderful city you've built here," Wilbur smirks and looks around the glowing city. "I'm William, but you can call me Wilbur."

"Pleasure to meet you, Wilbur. My name is Quackity," he nods and gives his hand one last shake before moving to Techno, who's hand is already unlatched from his. "And you?"

"Technoblade," he murmurs and nods at the man before him. "You must be the founder?"

"That I am," Quackity gestures to the large city behind him with a broad smile. He stuffs both hands in his pockets, his chin tilted slightly upwards. He's shorter than the two, and appears to be human.

"Are you mortal, by any chance?" Wilbur asks and glances at the man's back, who looks as well. He chuckles to himself before answering,

"No, no I'm not. I'm the god of greed. Come, follow me."

"Yes sir," Wilbur replies and follows the man like a puppy. Technoblade rolls his eyes at the prince and follows along with him.

They arrive at a club that's not too large, it's one story. Round, wood tables are placed variously along the building where many other gods seem to be playing poker. At the back of the store is a large bar with too many drinks to even name. Even for Technoblade, who's seen it all practically. Heads turn to stare at them as they enter. 

Especially towards the blood god, infamous for massacres. Quackity parts from them with a smile and heads to the direction of an open area where people are dancing, wings and horns entwined.

"Well, I'm getting a drink," Techno sighs as Wilbur scurries to the dance floor happily. Music floods his ears, but it's not too loud for him. Although, he will say he's unaccustomed to it.

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