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"Technoblade," A voice knocks at his door, a low curse sounding from the god on the other side. "It's time for breakfast, do I really have to wake you up every time?"

It's been a month since Technoblade found this place. Since he found his peace, of course occasionally the voices will grow loud, and he'll go to Philza.

Like he promised.

He walks over to the door and swings it open, Wilbur standing on the other side like usual.

"No, you don't. You choose to wake me up," Techo chuckles lowly, sliding his hands behind his back. He's learned more on etiquette, like Tommy had suggested.

"You could be a fine gentleman if you tried," Tommy had laughed and nudged Techno in the side.

His hands hold each other at his lower back as he walks. Occasionally a maid in the castle will wave at the two heading for breakfast, and Techno will only raise an arm to wave back. Despite having learned more on his posture and how to behave in front of other kingdoms, Technoblade still carries the same attitude at the table.

"Technoblade, how's studies going?" Philza asks as he sits down, earning a sigh. The two are still on a rough patch, and the voices still demand his blood.

Right, Technoblade still needs to visit that tutor for etiquette. Well, not really since he just stopped going there. He figured he could earn it on his own.

"Well," Techno murmurs and moves past the table to the counter, towards the coffee grinder. "How's your, er, paperwork going?"

"Horrible, all these kingdoms want to visit at the same time. Speaking of, Quackity wants to visit Matastead," Philza says with a bored tone, rolling his eyes. "I had no choice but to accept. Apologies, Techno, I know you don't like the man."

"I don't like any men," Techno scoffs and pours the coffee into a small mug. It's a simple, white mug.

"What about me? You like me!" Tommy pouts and places two hands on his hips.

"Well, you and Wilbur are exceptions." Techno points out and sits at the table with only his mug.

The queen, Kristin, gasps as if she's just gotten a brilliant idea. She bends her head to look at Technoblade, who looks drowsy and tired. Then simply looks back at her plate, suddenly not sure if she should ask.

"Your Majesty, if you want to ask me something, ask me it. I can assure you I'm listening," Techno sets down his silverware, turning to face Kristin with a smile.

"Well, do you mind going to the marketplace for me? I was planning on making a salad for dinner, but I'm afraid we're out of cabbage."

She wants you to get things for her? The voices laugh, Don't be a fool, you're not one to retrieve, are you?

"Well, of course, I don't see the problem," Techno shrugs,

"Oh, you see that, Will? Techno is talking all fancy now," Tommy giggles with a hand over his mouth.

"Oh well sorry that you recommended etiquette to me," Techno's eyes cast a roll as he smiles slightly.

"You talk old, Technoblade," Wilbur laughs, only smiling wider at Techno's face of disbelief.

"I'm eons old, Wilbur. Of course I talk old," Techno protests and laughs. He blows pink hair out of his face as a strand or two falls in his eyesight.

"Techno, will you teach me to fight?" Tommy smiles brightly, having no sense of the impact of the question.

What if the voices take it as real fighting and he hurts Tommy? What if he can't control himself when they spar?

"No," Techno shakes his head.

"Why?" Tommy whines, sticking out his bottom lip.

"Tommy, your Father keeps peace. You don't need to know to fight."

Tommy slouches in his seat as a protest to the response he is given.

The rest of the meal is smiles and laughter, the queen mostly remaining quiet with Philza's wing on his back. They're almost like a pair of arms to him, a second pair at least. As soon as they finish breakfast, Techno heads to his room to dress for the marketplace. After all, when you're the King's most trusted advisor, people expect you to dress nicely.

Technoblade barely leaves the castle. Of course he has no idea how to dress and what's appropriate. But, he just puts on a simple shirt with a ruffle in the front and sleeves that poof at the end as well as high-waisted brown pants that cling to his waist. He slips on simple brown boots and ties his hair back into a loose pony-tail, allowing the elf ears that carry black stud earrings to show.

The townspeople don't seem to care what he wears either way. They treat him like any other citizen in the town, not bothering to even look at who he is. Technoblade is grateful for that, after all, somebody could attack him because he unknowingly killed a family member when he went on that rampage.

Technoblade approaches the man with a cart carrying cabbage. It's a large amount, and he's not quite sure how much the queen needed. So, he approaches the man in a calm manner, slowly and quietly.

"Excuse me, sir," Techno begins, fidgeting with his hands behind his back. "How much is, er, a single cabbage?"

"That'll be one gold coin, sir," The man answers kindly and holds out his hand. It's not in an impatient way, he waits with a kind smile as Technoblade fishes in his pockets for the coins to pay.

"Here," Techno murmurs and hands him a single gold coin with a small smile. The man thanks him and hands him a cabbage from the cart with a wide smile.

"Have a good day!"

"You as well, sir," Techno nods and turns away, cabbage in hand.

He moves quickly through the crowd, hating the stares he feels like he's getting. His eyes focus on the ground, right on the boots that his feet sit in. He weaves around townspeople, murmuring apologies as he bumps into people. Techno's eyes focus straight ahead as he walks faster, noise filling his ears.

Does it have to be so busy here? Techno curses in his mind as he dodges a woman not paying attention where she walks.

A small bump hits his leg, causing him to stop. He looks down to see a child, appearingly dazed by running into him. He holds a woman's hand, his mother's.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm so sorry," The mother rushes to apologize and pulls her child close.

Is she scared of me?

"No, no it's quite alright. Are you okay?" Techno asks the small child with a smile, his fangs showing. They seem to impress the child.

"Yes, thank you, sir! I like your fangs, they're cool!" The child smiles brightly, just how Tommy smiles.

Techno touches his fingers to his fang, a bit amazed that the child adores them. Most children see his fangs and run, terrified by the sight of him.

"Thank you," Techno smiles kindly, righting himself to a good posture. "I appreciate it."

"Have a good day!" The child waves goodbye as his mother drags him along with hushed scolding she doesn't think Techno can hear. She tells him:

"Stay away from that man. He's dangerous."

You see? The voices begin with a laugh in their voice, you can never outrun your reputation.

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