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When they arrive back to the kingdom, Philza is quick to ask how it went. Neither seem to want to answer, only making Philza more nervous. Wilbur's wings flutter behind him awkwardly as he shuffles his feet on the ground. Technoblade clenches his jaw, waiting for Wilbur to say something.

"Well? Tell me then, what happened?" Philza pushes again, "Your silence only makes me eager."

"Wilbur! Technoblade! You're back!" Tommy comes running, a wide smile on his face. He latches himself onto Technoblade in a tight hug. Techno stiffens at the sudden embrace, then slowly relaxes and pats the back of the boy hugging him.

Then he moves to Wilbur, hugging him for a considerably longer time than Technoblade. It makes him smile, the feeling of Tommy's hug again. Wilbur is quick to hug him back, gently rocking him side to side.

"Would you like to come to the garden with me?" Tommy asks the two of them.

"They can go after they tell me what happened, alright?" Philza confirms and glances at the two gods before him.

"Alright, I'll be at the willow tree!" Tommy smiles, cheerful as ever.

Techno watches him leave, desperate to follow him. He would do anything other than tell Philza what happened at Las Nevadas.

How he gave in again.

But when Philza beckons for the two to follow him to his office, he finds himself following. He knows he could just walk away, and Philza wouldn't do anything, but he can't leave Wilbur to tell him by himself.

They step into the large office, sitting at the two chairs. Philza fixes a couple books on his shelf before sitting in front of them.

"What happened?" Philza asks, entirely unaware of what happened. Or what's about to happen.

"Be specific," Technoblade says, "Well, what do you want to hear? The good things or the bad things?"

"Both, bad first, though. You know my policy," Philza fiddles with a pen. Nothing too bad could've happened, right?

"I beat up the war god in a bar. I almost beat up Quackity himself," Techno confesses almost everything.

I let the voices take control, is what he really wants to say. He finds it too difficult to admit.

"You're joking, right?" Philza chuckles, but Technoblade's expression tells him he's anything but joking.

"No, he's not," Wilbur murmurs, fiddling with his hands underneath the table as his leg bounces. It's a habit when he's nervous.

"Technoblade, may I speak with you privately?" Philza asks in an almost threatening way. Wilbur looks at Technoblade, and Techno looks at Wilbur.

"Sorry," Wilbur mouths and gets up from his chair. He walks out of the office, shooting Techno one last glance.

"Tell me what happened," Philza speaks slowly, looking at Techno with eyes that listen. Eyes that Techno confided in so many eons ago.

"Sapnap provoked me, called me weak. I tried my best not to give in, to not cave to the voices. I couldn't help it- the next thing I knew I was... I was hitting him," Techno avoids eye contact at all costs. Although he's not afraid of Philza, he feels a twinge of guilt when he tells him.

Maybe it's because he promised him he wouldn't listen to the voices again all those eons ago.

"Quackity told me to prove to him I wasn't in control. And I did, I let the voices win again. I let them take control and I tackled him. Only Wilbur was there to stop me, if not I'm not sure what I would have done to him."

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