Xyrus academy 2

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Tearing my gaze away from Lisa, I looked at the student who attracted my attention the most.

It was Christian Eralith, prince of the elven kingdom and Lisa's older brother, he had long platinum hair that reached to his shoulders and big red eyes, he was dressed in the same purple uniform as all the students of the "Ethereal Class".

When he saw my gaze on him, he smiled.

If I hadn't seen him before, maybe I would have believed his fake smile. In the past, when I was 10 years old, at a banquet in honor of the tenth anniversary of Princess Amanda Glayder, Christian beat up the son of some aristocrat in front of me for calling him an "Idiot".

Of course, the father of the beaten boy did not like this outcome, and he went to complain directly to the royal palace. What came of it? Well... the father of the beaten boy was simply compensated for the physical and moral damage inflicted on his son, and soon everyone forgot about this incident.

In general, I agree with the statement of that beaten aristocrat, because only an idiot could, while in a foreign kingdom, beat up an aristocrat who did not even belong to the elven kingdom.

He may have changed, but it's still better to be careful with him.

"So, is everyone here?" said Christian, getting up from the chair he was sitting on.

"Let's introduce ourselves, I am Christian Eralith, the first prince of the kingdom of Elenoir," Christian said with a friendly smile.

The oppressive aura in the classroom noticeably weakened, it seemed that almost everyone in the class was afraid of Christian.

The next in line was an elf girl with pink hair and blue eyes – "I-I'm Charlotte Harris" - after saying this, she sat back down in her seat with a completely red face. Quite a short introduction, maybe she was nervous about Christian.

I knew the Harris family, this family was the main one in the field of revolutionary technologies. It was this family that was able to create a working mana train from the concept, almost all the new technologies that exist on this continent were developed/implemented by the Harris family.

Of course, this family alone would not be able to do anything if they did not cooperate with the dwarves. Their existence directly depends on the royal family of Eralith, as the royal family has poured a huge amount of funds into their development.

If the royal family suddenly wants to stop pouring money into their research, then their family will fall apart in a matter of days.

In general, it was a family of researchers who were directly dependent on the royal family.

The next ones who introduced themselves were seven other students, but I didn't know much about them, either they were the children of aristocrats that I didn't know about, or they were commoners who were lucky enough to form an ethereal core.

"O-Oliver Alford" - fidgeting introduced himself to the same black-haired student, whom he had noticed from the very beginning.

I didn't know the Alford family, I had no idea who he was, but for some reason, he caught my attention.

I don't think I was attracted to male people... ha... ha... yes, I'm just kidding.

There's nothing wrong with my humor!

In any case, need to continue listening to the names my future classmates.

"Elizabeth Warren" - a girl with golden hair and green eyes loudly introduced herself, in terms of external characteristics she was not inferior to either Charlotte or Lisa, she was dressed the same as everyone else in a purple uniform.

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