Chapter III - First Love

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Since the infamous Hwang Eunbi decided to skip school for today, she was left to fall into an endless void of boredom. Her friends were probably pissed at her for suddenly ditching without telling them, her parents are busy, and she doesn't have any other friends she can contact at the moment because they're all busy. The only people left in the mansion was her, the workers, and her bodyguard.

'Why the hell would I talk to Jung Yerin?' SinB thought in irritation.

The young master sighed in annoyance, boredom taking over her body. She knew that if she decided to leave the house without her bodyguard knowing, she would still be tracked. Why would she even tell Yerin her plans? She was just another bodyguard, and Hwang Eunbi has had tons of those ever since she was a little kid.

Suddenly, SinB had the urge to go to an abandoned playground she knows because that place always helps her clear her mind. She stood up from her bed and made her way to her closet to find her simple outfit.

SinB decided to wear a white t-shirt with a gray jacket and denim pants, Since the girl lived in a mansion, she obviously had a big bedroom all to herself. Ultimately, it had a queen-sized canopy bed with white translucent curtains around it. Growing up, SinB was treated like a princess despite her tomboy-ish ways.

Just a few steps away from her massive walk-in closet, you could find a two closet doors. If you open them , you'd find a wide array of shoes ranging from boots to sneakers, even roller skates. SinB took a liking to shoes because she found them stylish and fashionable.

She grabbed her favorite pair of black converse slid her feet into them, tying the white shoelaces before grabbing her phone and small black purse. SinB's plan was to sneak out through her bedroom balcony, but the height from her balcony to the ground was too high for a human to jump off of.

Unfortunately, it was either that or sneaking to the front door downstairs where Yerin was in the living room. She just hoped that she won't fracture a bone or injure herself in any way possible.

But first, she had to figure out what her parents used to track her. They didn't track her before they left, so what she not using when they were still around?

The girl with the fierce gaze scanned her body, from her arms to her legs, etc. Until she finally realized, it was the necklace that her parents gave to her as a gift before they left.

SinB's expression changed drastically, her once angry face look beyond furious now. "SENTIMENTAL MY ASS!"

She quickly covered her mouth out of instinct, knowing that her scream echoed throughout the entire mansion. SinB practically sprinted to her balcony and leaned against the railings with her palms gripping to it.

"Gosh, this is a long way down. Please don't let me fracture a bone." SinB muttered under her breath.

She heaved a deep sigh before climbing over the railings cautiously. She looked around and found a flowerbed she could land on. Maybe the gardener will just think a small cat got in through the holes in the gate and ruined the flowers again.

And so she jumped, successfully landing on the soft flowers. Apologies in advance to the gardener.

SinB quietly ran to the gate, sprinting but tiptoeing. She was only a few steps away to succeeding in her great escape. She climbed over the gate and... victory!

The cat-like girl ran to her freedom which was the abandoned playground. Her feet making audible thumps on the concrete ground as she hurried to her desired destination. As soon as she arrived at the park, she let her body collapse and rest on the floor with her arms holding her up.

She looked up at the stars and smiled, "I missed this... but I don't miss you. I hate you, you ruined everything. Liar..."

SinB heaved a deep sigh and got up, making her way to the swings. She sat down on one of them and started swinging herself lightly. She closed her eyes to reminisce the memories of her, her friends, and... a certain girl.

Bodyguard // j.yr x h.eb // A SinRin Fanfic [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now