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                                                                  Tyler POV

This is after the movie.

It's 10:34 when I wake up, meaning that I slept in late. I sit up and look around, not knowing where I am for a second. When I realize I'm not in my room, I remember we spent the night at Priya's. By we I mean me and my friends. By friends I mean Meilin, Priya, Abby and Miriam, my new besties. Anyways, I smell pancakes, bacon, eggs and sausage downstairs, so I hop outta bed and put on some slippers I brought, then go down. "Morning Tyler!!" "Hey knucklehead!" I'm still pretty tired, so I just give them a sleepy wave and slump into a sit next to Mei." You ok Ty? You look down in the dumps." " I'm fine, thanks for asking though." I give her a sleepy smile and receive my plate of food." Thank you." " You're welcome." I eat my food slowly, considering the fact I feel like a perfectly toasted marshmallow on a stick, and let me tell you, if you touch it, it literally loses all will power stored in it. That's how I feel. I finish my food, dumping whatever left over in the trash since I'm full. I quickly wash my plate,(cause I'm not disrespectful) and go back in Priya's room to watch tv for a while. I don't know why, but I feel a bit too warm under the covers. I manage to escape them, sitting a top them and sighing. Mei comes in, and presses her hand on my forehead." Holy shit dude! You're burning up!!" " I am? I don't feel like it." " Well you are, and that means you have a fever, which means you will be staying home." "But-" " No buts. You're staying Tyler. Now I'm going to get you a cool wash rag to cool you down a bit." I nodded sadly, cause I really wanted to get out. Mei came back with a wash rag and bottled water, and handed them to me, both were cold. I placed the rag on my forehead, and took a sip of the water, then sat it on the nightstand." Me and the girls are gonna go and get you some chicken noodle soup from the store to cook. Anything else?" " Skittles?" " Sure, but only because you're sick." " Thanks Mei-Mei." She chuckles, knowing I'm just in a daze, because I only called her Mei-Mei when I was bullying her, which doesn't happen anymore. I hear them leave and take out my phone, seeing a few text from Aaron Z. Yes, I got Aaron Z'z number! All thanks to that big ol red panda. We all got a 4*Town members number.

                                                                 Aaron Z



Tyler you there?!


                                                                                                    Woah woah chill dude, I'm alive.

Oh thank god. Sorry for that last text, that was Aaron T. Good you're alive though. Why haven't you been answering my text??

                                                                                                   I was still asleep, I've got a fever.

Bummer! I was really hoping you could join me at the park! Me and the rest we're gonna ask you all to come, but I guess it's wrong timing huh?

                                                                                                                                     I guess so🥲


Anyways, think you'll be ok by the end of the day? Or tomorrow? Cause I really wanted you to come with us!

                             Idk, maybe. I'll see what happens, and if I get better, I'll update you, k?

K, hope you get better!

                                                                                                                                    I hope so too.

Well, today's gonna be boring!! Stupid fever! Why'd you have to show up now!!" I hate sickness!!" I cross my arms and slump, sighing and huffing. I hear the door open, and in comes the four maniacs." We're back!! And we already cooked, hehe." " 4* Town wanted to take us all to the park man!!" " I know Abby, Aaron Z texted me." I took the chicken noodle soup and began eating, not hesitating to let it cool." Y'know, it would be like a date really. Us five, with the people of our dreams." " Priya that's impossible! They would never like people like us. I think." " Maybe they do? Could be a chance." " I guess." " Tyler, how's it going with Z??" " Shut up." They all laughed at me. Soon enough we were all on the bed, playing a board game when we heard a knock, well, 5 knocks. Priya got up to answer it, and I heard her squeal. Not a girly girl squeal, y'know her voice." Guys guys guys!! Guess who's here!!" Priya rushed it, shaking Mei, and in came Robaire, Jesse, Tae Young, Aaron Z, and Aaron T." OMG OMG OMG!!!, WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!!?" Mei was practically screaming. " Shush!! You're giving me a headache." "Sorry Ty, but seriously, what are you guys doing here?!" Robaire spoke first." Well, Aaron Z came to see Tyler, he was pretty worried, even though it's just a fever you simp. Anyways, the rest of us came just to keep him company and see ya." Mei practically scream-squealed." That's SOOOO DOPE! And Aaron Z you are a big simp for Tyler." Me and him both blushed at Miriam's comment." Oh shut it dorkwad!!" Aaron Z kept his calm and came over, sitting beside me on the bed." How you holdin' up? Feeling a little better yet?" " Nope. Still feels like misery." He chuckled at my remark, then placed a hand on my thigh, rubbing it gently." Y'know, meditation came help with the headaches. Good for the body and soul. I make Aaron T do it whenever he gets mad, or to excited. Really helps him." " I guess I could try it." " Cool, here, move up a bit." I sat up and Aaron got in front of me." You don't have to sit cross cross applesauce." He grabbed my hands gently, and closed his eyes." Just relax. Take deep breaths." I closed my eyes too, and began to do what he instructed. I could feel Abby recording, and the others watching. I felt my headache go away, and I felt a little better than before. Aaron placed a hand on my forehead." You feel more cool, you can open you're eyes now." I opened my eyes, god his eyes are beautiful." Better?" I nodded." Oooooooo!!" "Good catch Z!!" Aaron quickly turned his attention to his crew." Shut up!!" The rest laughed as he became flustered." They're so immature sometimes." " Same with me and my group." We exchanged laughter, then just relaxed. Before I knew it, it was night." Mind if we stay the night? It was a long drive here." " I don't mind at all." Figuring, everybody slept with who they admired, meaning me and Aaron. There was another room, so Mir and Mei went in there with Aaron T and Robaire. Aaron held me in his arms, I was on top of him, resting between his legs. I rested my head on his chest, we were still talking. Priya and Jesse had fell asleep, Abby and Tae were playing the board game that was still out." Y'know, you sure do make a guy feel like he can let it all out." " I guess. If that's how you feel." " And because of that, I wanna tell you something." I turned my head to look up at him." What is it?" " I like you. A lot." He whispered, making sure others couldn't hear him. My eyes widened as he planted a small kiss on my lips." I-I..." " You don't have to say it. It's obvious you like me too Ty." He smiled." Will you accept me as your boyfriend?" Even though I was a stammering and stuttering mess, I managed to blurt out," yes." He smiled more and planted yet another kiss on my lips, this one a bit longer. We were lucky nobody noticed us. And that's how I ended up falling asleep in Aaron Z's arms, and how I ended up with pictures of me and him on Abby's phone. Fuck herrrrr!!

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