Beach Day

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Aaron Z POV

So yea, I woke up, kissed Tyler goodbye and left to go home." Z!!! Z you won't believe it!!" I looked over at Aaron T, he was running towards me." Dude you're photo got 478.M likes!!!" " Well of course, I'm Aaron Z." " No dude! You and Tyler!! Look!" He showed me the pic of me and Tyler asleep together." We were just talking man." " Yea, 'just talking'." He ran out to show the others, and Tae came to me first." You scored!" " I did not!" " Yes, yes u did Z." " Shut up Robaire." " Congrats, nice catch." " Jesse get out of my face." They all laughed, pointing out the fact I looked like a tomato." Whatever, I'm calling Tyler." " Okk~" " Shut up!!" I walked out the room, calling Tyler." Oh, hey Z. What's up?" " Can I come over? I know you're at your house." " Oh, uhm sure. What's the need?" " I need to get out and away." " Ok, what time will you be here?" " It takes some time, maybe around 3:50." " Ok, just tell me when you're here so I can let you in, my parents are outta town rn." " K. Thanks babe." " N-n-no problem. Bye!" I could tell he quickly hung up the phone, cute. ☺️

                                                                    Tyler POV

HE JUST CALLED ME BABE!!!!!!!! I face-planted into my pillow, squeezing the living shit out of it." HE CALLED ME BABE!!!!!!" I'm so glad no one's here, this woulda been awkward. Very awkward. Anyways, it's 47 minutes later when I get a text message from Z. It said "I'm here.", he did say it would take a while. I get up and fix my hair, then go and let him in. The second I do, he greets me with a kiss." Hey lovely." I fluster up and playfully push him, he chuckles, ruffling my hair and coming in. He goes straight to my room, sighing and laying on the bed." You're a big fan huh?" " Mhm." I was kinda embarrassed, cause my room is Aaron Z everything." Cool. So, tell me about yourself some more." He sat up, patting a spot next to him. I went and sat, and he put his arm around me. I told him about myself, and he told me about himself. We laughed at some of our interest. Soon after we just relaxed, we were cuddling in my bed and watching the Simpsons. I was starting to get sleepy, so I just turned my head and buried my face in his chest. He looked down and smiled at me, kissing my forehead and playing with my hair. I smiled. He got up, telling me he was going back with the guys at their penthouse to sleep." I'll see you in the morning, I've got plans for everybody tomorrow anyways. Night love." " Goodnight, drive safe." He chuckles and waves, then leaves. I sigh, then fall asleep, once again.


I woke up to Abby yelling my name." Shut up Abby!!" I throw a pillow at her face, causing her to fall off the foot of my bed." TYLER GET UP WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH BITCH!!!" " And who said I wanted to go?" " I did." Hearing that familiar voice I look up, seeing Aaron Z and the rest." Why todayyyy??" " I told you I had plans." He came over and sat on the edge of my bed, rubbing my leg which was still under the covers. Then he got up and yanked the covers off me." Hey!!" He then picked me up and put me in the car, along with my shoes, and a shirt." Asshole." " Cutie." I pushed him aside playfully, which he responded with laughter." Alright, let's go to the store and get some stuff. Do any of you like sandcastles? And AT don't raise, I know." AT sighed, and Abby, Priya, and Mei raised their hands." Cool. We'll split up, I've got a list of stuff. Aaron Z and Tyler, Meilin and me, Tae and Abby, Priya and Jesse, then Aaron T and Miriam. Sound good?" Everybody agreed, obviously happy with their partner." We'll hit up the meats section first, then dairy last. K?" " Yea."

                                                           After the store

" WOOOHOOOO!, WE'RE AT THE BEACH!!" Abby and Mei were running around like crazy. I swear they are crazy." Would you guys shut up and help get the stuff?" First came Abby, who jumped and smacked me, then came Mei, who just jumped me." OW! QUIT IT GET OFF MEI!!" " APOLOGIZE!!!" " NEVER!!!!" Long story short, I was pulling her hair and she was pulling mine. Everybody laughed at our actions and we soon got separated." Fuck you, you whore." " Man hoe." " Mommy's girl." " Dick sucker." " Non virgin." " Kiss me ass." " Slut." " Stripper." " OK. ENOUGH WITH THAT." Jesse had practically screamed, shutting us up. We shot the middle finger at each other before getting the stuff and setting up.

                                                       😐🤬🖕🏻.     🖕🏻🤬😐
                                               (Literally what they look like)

I was just relaxing when Aaron T stood over me, bending down and staring into my eyes. Scary. He then chuckled, and stood beside me, then bent down and picked me up." No, no no no no don't you dare!! AARON Z!!" I practically screamed for my life as Aaron T cannonballed into the ocean, me in arms. He held me under before letting me up. I took the biggest gasp for air ever." MY HAIR! MY SHIRT! IM ALL WET!!!! GET ME OUT GET ME OUT!!!" I forgot how to swim for a second." Aaron T just laughed, while Jesse came and put me on my shoulder." How are all of you so strong." " We're dancers. Takes a lot of muscle." Jesse swam me over to shore, which I landed immediately and rushed to dry myself off. I sat back on my lounge chair, groaning because I was still soaked. I felt fanning and looked to my sides to see Miriam and Priya using magazines to fan me, a sorrow yet smart attempt to dry me off." Thanks." " No problem dude." I sighed, relaxing. I love my girls. Yep, the bestest of friends. It had been a while before I got up, so I told Mir and Priya that they could go. I didn't wanna keep them hostage. Soon enough, Aaron Z came over and sat on my lounge chair. I sat up, wondering why he wasn't being active." What's with you?" " Tired, sweaty, dehydrated!" He groaned, turning to me. God he looked hot. I guess he noticed my cheeks that were a very bright red, because he said," Like what you see?". He said it in a seggsy voice. A SEGGSY VOICE. I pushed him, but he just got on top of me. I normally don't like anyone to pin me down, and I'll fight back. Not in this case, it was Aaron Z. I started getting redder. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO HOTTTTTTTTT

And that's all you guys get.

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