I'm here.

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You didn't wanna go home just yet, you weren't ready to be yelled at so you decided to take a walk and get some fresh air to think.

You liked going on walks, with or without music, you liked hearing the sound of nature, the birds chilping or the air going through the leafs but the thing that felt the best was the sun its warmth on your skin, it's so relaxing and in the summer you could take walks for hours.

You went to the park, when you were about to cross the street a pink car pulled up out of nowhere, it almost hit you but you jumped away just on time. When your eyes met with the driver of the pink car you saw it. It was Heather with some other girls, they were all giggling and looking at you as they drove off.

''assholes'' You mumbled to yourself.

Your hands went to the pockets of your jackets and you dragged yourself towards the park. You took a deep breath, tried not to think about what just happened and just enjoy the hike. It seemed to work because you forgot about it and just walked through the park, over the bridge and fed went to sit on a bench next to the lake.

------ ( time skip)

(tw abuse ig)

After about 30 minutes it was time to go back, i mean you had to. your dad will be pissed already so you now have to face your consequences. 'great' you thought to yourself. You walked back home against your will.

When you were finally at the door to your house you decided not toknock but to use the key.

It was sunday today, so your dad wasn't at work but if you were lucky he was out to the bar or something although it's a bit early for that.

You sighed before you opened the door with the key, walked in and tried close the door as quietly as possible.

But before you could close it your dad walked into the room, no, he basically almost ran into the room.

''WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!'' He yelled he seemed drunk.

He was about to explode, Although you couldn't really blame him for being mad, i mean if my future kid ran off for almost 2 days i would be pretty angry too. but he's always been like this, yelling at you. He was always mad for some stupid reason. Sometimes he'd come back home late he would be drunk and storm into your room while you were sleeping. he's been like that ever since mom passed. You were used to him being like this now.

''I was with friends, i stayed over at their place nothing to worry about.'' You tried to brush it off and walked upstairs to your room.

but it seemed like your dad wasn't done yet and followed you back up, causing you to run to your room. you got into your room and grabbed the key that was resting on your nightstand and quickly locked your room.

It was just to spare sometime because you knew your dad has a spare key to your bed room which was weird because the lock doesn't have any use like that, but you couldn't think of anything better to do right now.

You heard him laugh from the other side of the door and walked to his room to get the spare key and you heard him stomp back.

by now you were crying hysterically you were absolutely terrified. You quietlly crawled under the bed.

Yes, you were used to it but that doesn't mean it gets better, it still hurts.

You heard the key going in the hole of the door and you flinched.

The neighbor kid (rodrick x reader)Where stories live. Discover now