You're so..

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The week passed fast and it was already Friday. You were sad about having to leave Juliette because you had so much fun with her the last couple of day, after those marathons you also succeeded to fix up your sleep schedule a bit which was good. You didn't wanna go home though, everything that happened, it was too much. It would probably be good to visit Rodrick even if it's just for a little bit. To be completely honest you wanted to ask him if he was still up for letting you stay there for a little while. You hated to ask though, it felt selfish and desperate but you really didn't know what else to do.

When you arrived and parked your car in the parking lot, ( not infront of your house in case your dad would be nosey)  You tried to go to The Heffley's front door as sneaky as possible. Luckily you succeeded and sprinted inside as soon as Rodrick opened the door.

"Hey i'm so sorry for barging in like this but, i wanted to ask if you were still up the offer you made last week?" You looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Obviously" He rolled his eyes and grinned you gave him a quick 'thank you' hug and walked in to ask Susan the same question.

She understood the situation and agreed on letting you stay for the weekend (maybe even for the week.)

You thanked her and walked up to Rodricks room, and gave him his clothes back and you thanked him once again by kissing on his cheek, Ofcourse a stupid smirk had to show up on his face so you playfully punched his shoulder and went back to getting Your stuff out of the bag.

(A/N ok im gonna write it like y/n pov because the 'you' thing is getting tiring i'm so sorry if this is so sudden but i wanted to change it since it's easier for me.)

After a couple of minutes, i finished unpacking my bags that's when Susan called Rodricks name. I didn't what to do or where to go, so i just followed him downstairs.

"Rodrick i need you to get me some groceries, here's a list. Perhaps 'Y/n' can tag along?" She smiled at me while handing the large list of needed groceries to Rodrick.

"Sure, we'll get these, we'll be back in like 30 minutes. Bye mom." He grabbed his keys of the counter and walked to the front door while i followed him around. I hesitated before stepping outside and looked around the street. Rodrick noticed that and apparently saw that i felt uncomfortable.

"There's no one, don't worry 'y/n'." He gave me a reassuring look before I stepped outside and we walked to his damaged looking truck. He opened up the door for me and did this weird bowy thing.

"You're so.." I laughed while looking at his weird but sweet action.

"Charming." He finished my sentence,

"Whatever" I grinned while jumping in the car seat and put on the safety belt. He ran to his seat and jumped in the car and drove off. There was something attractive about men driving a car, idk.

I opened up the front drawer of his car and saw CD's and a pack of old cigarettes, I started looking through the CD's till i found one i liked.

"Whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not." By arctic monkeys.

"This is one of my favorite bands" I almost pressed the CD cover in his face. I quickly got the CD out of the cover and put it in the CD player, pressed shuffle (if that's even possible omg)

And my favorite song started playing:

"Mardy Bum"

I started singing to the music, and soon enough Rodrick joined me and we sang the lyrics together loud with both the windows open not caring about anyone hearing us.

Those moments were nice and I really enjoyed spending time with him alone. He was so comfortable to be around, i felt safe with him. Holy shit, this sounds so 'lovey dovey' but it's true although I hate to admit it.


Rodrick grabbed a trolley and his normal smile started to grow into a big grin.

"What?" a confused expression had gazed upon my face.

"Get in"

"What?? No way!" I laughed it off, but he wasn't kidding.

" C'mon 'y/n' it'll be fun!" He whined.

"Forget it."


I was now sitting in the trolley with the grocery list mrs Heffley gave us, while Rodrick was running it around the store like an idiot. "I can't believe i gave in." I sighed, but I secretly laughed as I quickly grabbed the items off the racks. "Oh, i can." He mocked.
I just rolled my eyes at his comment, while grabbing another item off the racks and striping it off the list.

"You know you like it 'y/n'." I could feel his stupid smile burn on the back of my scalp.


People in the grocery store were giving us weird stares and some people even glared at us but i didn't care I honestly was enjoying myself even though I wouldn't say it out loud, Rodricks ego didn't need to hear that.

After about 20 minutes we got all the groceries of the list and walked outside, both of our hands were filled with full bags and we carried to the van.

I offered to hold the bags on my lap to make sure it was secure, if being secure is even possible in this truck.

" Oh, by the way 'y/n' i do have band practice tomorrow. I know you haven't heard us play yet, but we haven't practiced in a while because Ben was sick and my party and such. But i was wondering if you'd like to see us play?" It looked like my answer was way more important then it should be, so I quickly agreed.

"I'd love to see you guys play." I smiled at his excitement and layed my head back on the chair as we drove to his house.

I missed spending time with him like this.

(A/n) please, please tell me if you guys like this POV better i really wanna know!! Anyways i hope you liked this chapter, i'm sorry if it was a bit short though.

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