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(A/N) I'm gonna make some filler parts to let the relationship between ''Y/N'' and Rodrick grow and so it won't seem rushed! that's all i wanted to say. i reached 2k reads on this story thank you so much i appreciate it lots!!! ily all<3.

The next day i woke up in the guest room, i rubbed my eyes before opening them and slowly let one leg fall to the floor, grabbed my phone off the nightstand next to the, now unmade bed. i noticed a few missed calls/texts from my dad wondering where i was and telling me to ''come the fuck home.'' but luckily i had prepared for this and turned my phone off before going to sleep last night.

Being at the heffley's was wonderful, they were all so sweet! to me atleast, the non-stop glares between Rodrick and Greg were insufferable, but funny at the same time. Diner last night was also lovely, i made it with Rodrick last night with the groceries we shopped earlier that day. It was a mess but the food turned out delicious.

But enough about yesterday.

Because i'm really looking forward to seeing Rodrick play with his band at practise today! I haven't heard them play yet, I haven't even heard Rodrick play yet, that's why he said he had alot of catching up to do.

Rodrick had told me that he's in a band with his friends: Ben, Chris, Aidan and himself, ofcourse. Now, i've met Ben but im excited to meet Chris and Aidan too today.

I turned on my phone once more to see that it was almost 10AM.

Now in the weekends i usually sleep till noon, but it might be different here since i haven't officially stayed the night here.

I quickly grabbed the clothes i wore last week when i ran away from home and i sniffed to see if they weren't dirty. Thank god, Juul had washed them. I couldn't even imagine Susan and Franks face when would've seen me with their sons clothes on.

Before leaving the room i looked at myself in the mirror and sprayed some of my favorite parfume all over my body, fixed my hair and my make-up and went down-stairs.

Susan was making breakfast in the kitchen for Manny, while he was sitting at the table playing with his little blanket. I also noticed Greg in the living-room playing some videogames, while quietly cursing at the game when something went wrong.

''Goodmorning, Susan!'' I jumped off the last step and walked towards the kitchen.

''Oh, goodmorning dear, Did you sleep well?'' She turned around to face me with a greeting smile.

''I slept amazing, thanks again for letting me stay over.'' I took a seat next to Manny and greeted him as well.

''No worries, would you like something to eat?''

''Oh yes please!'' Besides the fact that i ate a lot yesterday, i was starving right now so i happily accepted Mrs heffley's offer.

After about 2 minutes she handed me a sandwich with peanut butter as that is i wanted.

Manny tried to grab my sandwich but i quickly moved my plate and stook my tongue out at him while Susan wasn't looking.

He looked annoyed and for a second i thought he was gonna cry but thank the lord he didn't. you didn't wanna explain that to Susan.

After i ate my last sandwich, i brought the dirty plate to the counter and put it in the dish-washer.

''Hey, ''Y/N'' could you wake up Rodrick? it's almost 11AM and he's got band practise in an hour.''

I nodded and walked upstairs again hiding my evil grin as best as i could.

I quickly grabbed my eyeliner out of my bag and tip-toed to his room as quietly as I could. 

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