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"Daddy?" I heard Aria's small voice behind my office door and I got up

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"Daddy?" I heard Aria's small voice behind my office door and I got up

I placed my guns away before opening the door.

"Hey princess," I said and I lifted her up.

She had a book inside her hands. 'The mermaid princess'

"Shouldn't you be sleeping princess?" I asked.

"Yes but I woke up and now I can't go back to sleep," she said and I smiled.

"Are you busy?" she asked while looking at my desk.

Yes, but I'm never too busy for my princess or my little prince.

"No," I said

"Are you sure?"


"Okay great, can you read me a story please"

"Of course, princess, just give Daddy a minute to put his things away," I said.

"Okay" she said and I placed her in my chair.

I cleaned up my desk, shut down my laptop, and placed in files a neat pile.


"Yes princess"

"Can I have a candy?" she asked while looking at the small jar of candy I had on my desk.

It was there for her and Lydia whenever they would stay with me while working.

"I know it's late but please," she said and I grabbed the jar.

"Just one," I said and she took up a pink lollipop.

She pulled out the wrapper and placed the lollipop inside her mouth. I picked her up, grabbed my phone, and brought her back to her room.

I placed her back inside the bed and pulled the cover up to her chest.

I lay next to her before opening the book. I started reading and she would stop me to ask questions.

After I was done reading I realized that she fell asleep.

"Good night my little princess" I placed a kiss on her forehead then got up.

I went over to Lorenzo and placed a kiss on his head

"I love you" I whispered. I placed the book back on the bookshelf and then exited the room.

I walked to my room and Lydia was still asleep. I walked towards her and sat in the chair next to the bed.

Her eyes soon flattered open and she jumped up. Reaching under her pillow and finding nothing she looked at me.

Sighing before laying down. I leaned back into the chair as I stared at her.

"You see something you like" she smirked

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