Chapter 3: The Ugly Feeling

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It's a true via crucis , replacing a competent employee.

She's gotten used to Camila's fix-it attitude, ruthless efficiency, and sheer determination to please.

Now she's left with a pedestrian subcontractor and the tragedy of a late schedule.

Lauren's assistant now calls Normani twice a day for updates, and she has to send the girl on random errands to the site so she has an excuse to make sure Camila really isn't there, disobeying orders.

It's all a burden, really.


Lauren massages her temple, throwing her glasses on the coffee table.

Dylan's gone to bed without making a fuss, thankfully – she's got the penthouse to herself and no urgent calls on her work phone.

She wiggles free of her Louboutin's, moaning in pleasure when her bare feet touch the floor. Smoothly, she unzips her dress and lets it pool on the floor.

She runs a bath, pours herself some white wine, and plays Miles Davis to set the mood.

The water is the perfect warmth – not scalding, just relaxing. Lauren sighs, nursing her glass.

Just what she needs after a long day.

She's pouring herself a second glass when she checks her phone. Not one of Camila's silly updates since before the robbery incident.

She takes a sip, stares at Camila's name on the screen, and hits call.

Camila answers in the first ring, of course.

"Miss Jauregui," she says, sounding tired.

"Camila." Lauren answers, biting her lip.

"I haven't been to work, like you told me to."

This makes Lauren very satisfied. She sinks deeper into the water. "I know. I keep tabs." She runs her palm over her thighs. "I expected updates on your recovery."

Lauren can hear Camila take a deep breath.

"I didn't realize."

"So," Lauren continues, nonchalant. "How are you?" She rests her head back on the tub.

"Restless. Three weeks is too long." Is that sound the rustling of sheets? Is Camila talking to her in bed? "I'll be back on my feet by Monday."

Lauren hums, the tips of her fingers drawing circles on her stomach. "The mediocrity of your replacement is astounding. I'd much rather have you."

Camila clears her throat. "Is there anything else you want me to do, Miss Jauregui?" Camila's voice gets a little breathless.

"Oh, several things," Lauren breathes out, hand darting lower, legs spreading. "But I believe that's all for now."

"Good evening, Miss Jauregui."

Lauren makes a sound of agreement, biting her own lip. "See you next week."


She's watching a movie with Dylan when her phone buzzes.

It's Camila's hand, looking brand new – no purple marks, strange swellings and superficial cuts.

She answers the message, this time: Much better.


Sunny Cabello is barking orders.

"Let's get back on track, guys!" Her arm is in a sling, but she's moving fluidly through the site like she owns it. "I want us on schedule by the end of the month!"

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