Chapter 6: Deflowering The Office

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Lauren's employees are drawn to Camila like bees to honey. They're so goddamn smitten by this girl it almost pisses Lauren off. They fawn over her like they do with Shawn Mendez, who is quite the competition with his genius mind and stupid face. It's different, though — Camila doesn't have to rely on name or looks or money.

She memorizes the names of everyone in the Jauregui Corp. building, from the doorman to interns to managers. She stops for a chat and a cup of coffee, too, like she's friends with all the creatures to ever walk the Earth. She remembers birthdays, listens, and asks about their kid's science fair.

Once, she brings a delicious gluten-free cake for Rosa from IT,  the mother of a 4 year old child with celiac who's very unhappy with his condition. Dinah tells Lauren all about it: Rosa crying fat, happy tears, Camila blushing and mumbling she hopes the kids at his birthday party would enjoy it.


After those first white lilies, flowers arrive at her office religiously every Monday at 8am. How much money is Camila spending on these beautiful, color-coded flowers?

And Dinah. Her office isn't even close to Lauren's, but she always manages to be around when the flowers arrive. The woman thinks she's being sneaky with her photo taking, but Lauren has eyes and Dinah's as subtle as a meteor shower.

When confronted, Dinah says it's for archival reasons. She will never give up the idea that Lauren will have a museum dedicated to her someday, and that it's up to Dinah to document as much as possible. For the historians of the future, Lauren!

Then. Lauren's employees catch up with what's happening, and they start looking at Lauren like she's a human with actual emotions. It's exceptionally difficult to scare people into submission when there are fresh, gorgeous flowers from your suitor on your desk every day. Even Louis, her usually stoic Senior Editor, smiles when she sees the orchids on the fourth week.

The first time Camila actually shows up during the workday, it's ridiculous: she's wearing Lauren's favorite dark jeans, the ones that hug her ass and stretch her legs for days, along with spotless white sneakers, a grey hoodie and flannel. Her hair is down, curls falling on her shoulders like she's a goddamn model, and she's smiling like a goddamn Prince Charming when she enters Lauren's office with a beautiful vase of white carnations.

Lauren leans against her desk and watches Camila place them on the spot Lauren has saved for the flower of the week — a fact Camila would never have known unless Dinah had already babbled off her mouth, that tattletale.

Camila turns to Lauren and rests a hand on her waist, smartly testing the limits of their interactions at Lauren's workplace. Lauren nods and places a hand on Camila's chest, enjoying their proximity. The rich sandalwood and musk notes of Camila's perfume are downright appetizing, and fuck if it isn't the best gift Lauren has ever given anyone. She will personally thank Hugo Boss' heirs when she meets them again.

Lauren's hand sneaks to the back of Camila's neck, pulling her in for a quick, wet kiss. Camila looks so satisfied, Lauren steals another kiss, longer this time. Just wanted to wish you a good week. Lauren nods, wishing she had more than a mere 7 minutes before her board meeting begins. See you around, Camila says, and she fucking winks before she leaves, like she knows the effect she has on Lauren.

The nerve.

Obviously, when Lauren takes a deep breath and looks out to her bullpen, face impassive once more, the entire floor is staring in disbelief. They all scramble to pick up where they left off, half terrified and half embarrassed. An intern lets a pile of paper fall on the ground with a loud thud, mouth gaping in disbelief.

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