What is that..?

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based on a headcanon and a tiktok pov


The fourth of July was a big occasion for almost all Americans, so naturally it was a big night for the citizens of WestView. The townspeople had a celebration at town square every year. Of course, Wanda would have known this if she understood the holiday. But she didn't. When she was an Avenger, most of her days were spent at the compound. And before that.. the fourth of July held no significance. 

A sigh left her lips as she walked downstairs that afternoon. As if on cue, Wanda heard a knock at the door. And she skipped over to open it. The redhead opened the door to Agnes, her neighbour and close friend. The brunette on the doorstep just smiled as she always did and pushed past Wanda, into the household. She relaxed slightly.

❝ Are you ready to go? ❞

Agnes asked the redhead, cocking her head to the side. While Agatha also didn't care much for the holiday, it was fun to join in on the festivities. Besides, she needed a day of no magic and just fun. Wanda likely needed the same. 

❝ Go where..? ❞

Came Wanda's reply. Agatha's brows furrowed. Had the other forgotten what day it was? It was hard to forget with all the red, white and blue decorations hanging everywhere you looked. However, there were none in the house. Though that was likely due to the fact that Vision was a robot and Wanda was European. Yet, surely they'd both be around long enough to know about it.. Nonetheless, Agatha just chuckled.

❝ To townsquare. The celebration is starting. ❞

Harkness explained, smiling at the redhead who then quickly nodded. The brunette's statement jogged her memory and she was quick to remember the date. July fourth. Of course. 

❝ Oh yes. I suppose we shall head off then. ❞

Wanda nodded as she snapped her fingers and some shoes appeared on her feet. Agatha held her hand out to Wanda who quickly took it before being dragged outside. The brunette's face flushed red but she thought nothing of it. Besides, Wanda was taken and seemingly straight. A soft huff left her lips at the thought and the quiet noise caused the redhead's brows to furrow. Yet Wanda didn't ask, not wanting to pry. The two walked in silence, just enjoying each other's company. 

It wasn't long before they walked to the town square and both their eyes widened. Neither of them had been all that sure what to expect, but the celebration was huge. There were stalls, a few rides for children and people everywhere. Harkness' grip instinctively tightened. She wasn't used to these sorts of festivities, especially not with so many people. 

❝ Where do you want to head first, dear? ❞

Agatha asked, turning to look at Wanda who seemed to eye one of the stalls in particular. The brunette smiled before pulling her in the direction of where she was staring. A game? Well, okay. Agnes brought a go at the game and thus their night began. 


The two women sat down on a bench, both holding a hotdog as they looked up at the stars that were beginning to shimmer in the darkening sky. It wouldn't be long until the day was over and Agatha didn't want it to happen. Yet, what could she do about it? Seemingly nothing. 

❝ This is nice.. ❞

The redhead sighed, soon resting her head on Agatha's shoulder. The brunette bit back her smile as she glanced over at the other. Wanda soon closed her eyes only for them to flutter open when she heard a megaphone turn on and someone testing it. Both witches glanced ahead of them to see Herb standing on the gazebo. He smiled before starting to speak. 

❝ Happy fourth of July everyone. Today we celebrate America. ❞

Bla bla bla.. Harkness zoned out after that. Her gaze returned to the redhead who was watching the male talk. She smiled slightly as her shoulders relaxed more. 

❝ ..And now, time to light the
fireworks. ❞

The male finished before stepping off the gazebo and walking to where the fireworks were set up. He was quick to begin setting them off and the sudden explosion noises alerted Wanda. Her back straightened as she looked up at Agatha. 

❝ Wh..what is that? ❞

She asked. Harkness caught onto the girl's panic and quickly covered the redhead's ears. The brunette didn't realise Wanda would act so negatively to the noise and it worried her. 

❝ Don't focus on that.. focus on me. ❞

Agatha spoke softly, softer than usual. She pulled the redhead close, allowing Wanda to rest her head on her chest. The brunette kept a hand on Wanda's other ear, trying to help shield her from the noise. Yet, it was no use as they were so close to the source. Wanda started to cry, causing Agatha to panic. And in her panic she used her magic to teleport home. Her magic that no one in WestView knew she had. 

The two appeared in Wanda's living room which definitely confused the redhead as she looked around. She lifted her head from Agatha's chest as she looked up at her. Tears continued to stream down her face. The fireworks were quiet but still audible. Every slight bang caused Wanda to flinch slightly. 

❝ How.. d..did we get here? ❞

Wanda asked before sensing the panic radiating from the brunette. Eventually, Agatha just smiled. Her jaw had significantly tightened but she was otherwise fine. 

❝ Teleportation.. Now, let's put the tv on and drown out the horrible noise, hm? ❞

Agatha spoke carefully as she got up, picking Wanda up. She placed the redhead down on the sofa and gave her the remote. Harkness didn't quite know how to work the tv. She wasn't all that used to technology yet. She didn't even have a phone. The brunette pecked Wanda's forehead, causing her to blush before quickly leaving the room. She walked upstairs and grabbed a blanket from the redhead's room. When she returned, Wanda was curled up watching Seinfeld. It caused Agatha to smile and she was quick to drape the blanket over the redhead and sit down herself. 

❝ You okay? ❞

Agatha asked after a while, looking over at the younger witch. She didn't remove her gaze from the redhead who slowly sat up. She noticed the girl's shrug as she moved to rest her head on Agatha's shoulder. 

❝ I don't like it.. and since when did you have powers? ❞

Came Wanda's slightly muffled response. Harkness smiled lightly as she pulled Wanda into her lap. She pecked the redhead's cheek. 

❝ That's a story for tomorrow.. Go to sleep darling. ❞

Agatha spoke softly, allowing the redhead to relax into the embrace. Wanda rested her head on the older female's chest, soon drifting off to sleep..

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