Chapter 1: the beginning

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The Void. It's such a lonely place ,but someone has to take care of it. You see, The Void isn't just empty space ,it may be dark but, it's a garden. Full of stars and planets and life.

Mortals only say that it's empty because they haven't explored it, and they're not allowed to. They would ruin The Void. Have you not seen what they did to their own planet? They destroyed it.

Oh well, not like they can even reach the void, the distance is way too far, yet Earth is perfectly visible from The Void. The god of The Void (they didn't have a name) didn't quite understand how The Void worked despite being there since the beginning of its existence. Well, not really beginning, the god guessed that The Void existed for at least a hundred years without a caretaker? Owner? Whatever the god is.

[Location: Carton Academy, the music room- Time: 1:35PM ] The noise of the halls, the constant mispronouncing of his name, the misgendering- this all drove Mugen insane. Luckily ,there were a few things that kept them from losing their marbles. One of those things was the music room. It was so quiet, Mugen could finally hear his own thoughts, unfortunately that wasn't always a good thing, but he had music to help distract him.

Mugen didn't like many people in the school, but there were a select few that they hated since their first meeting. Those people were the popular kids , the heathers of the school, the people who made being rude and straight their entire personality. They were so straight that it seemed a bit fruity.

Mugen was a 'He/They with a hint of Gay™' , so that meant that he was their main target. The music room was one of the only places he felt safe, it was one of the rooms that was deemed 'too gay to enter' by the mean three.

{A/N: and that's chapter 1 done, updates will probably be slow but if you get bored you can check out my other story 'The unknown fae: a somewhat original story', this has been a shameless self-promo, farewell dear reader}

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