Chapter 11: the real end

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Unfortunately, dear reader, not every story has a happy ending. This story in particular ends tragically. Let me tell you what really happened.

Mugen stayed in The Void with Inanis for many years. They weren't exactly happy but they had no escape.

Until one fateful day, everything seemed the same, well, there was one thing that was off. What was off, you may ask? There appeared a break in The Void. A place where it would be possible for one to fall off or jump.

Mugen was overjoyed at the sight of this. They could finally escape from Inanis!

Just as they were about to jump, Inanis came 'round the corner. "Mugen?"  Inanis asked, it's voice laced with worry.

Mugen stood at the opening and stared into the god's eyes. "Well, I guess this is it. 'Til death do us part right?" Mugen said. Mugen smiled. Mugen Jumped. 

"NO- MUGEN-" Inanis cried out  as they both fell to the floor. Only one of them had a much more fatal fall.

The Void. It's such a lonely place. But now, it's seemingly more lonely than ever before.


{Well then, this is the end. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading and until, next time farewell dear reader!}

The god of The VoidOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant