chapter 6: a few years later

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{I'm going to put a time skip here, so like four years later Mugen is now 21 also, here is your official warning that there will be sad stuff in this chapter}

[Location: The Void, time: ????]

It was a normal day, Mugen and Inanis were cuddling in front of a fire , which just so happened to be the Earth turning into ashes.

Inanis smiled at the sight of everything and everyone that has ever upset Mugen burning down.

Mugen however didn't have the same reaction. He watched in horror as everything he knew and loved was burning to a crisp.

"Why?" Mugen whispered, holding back tears. "What do you mean darling?" Inanis was confused, did Mugen not like what it did for them?

"I mean, why did you burn it all down?" Mugen asked, tears threatening to spill.

"Oh darling, I did it for you. Everything and everyone there could've hurt you, I'm just keeping you safe." was the god's response.

"Keeping me safe? Keeping me safe?! You just burned down my home and everyone I knew!" At this point Mugen started to cry, "You're a monster, I can't believe that I loved you."

{I'm out of ideas so, cliffhanger! Yay! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, farewell dear reader.}

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