Dare To All 1 Part 1/3

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Rias: Hmm, all 4 of us had a turn to spin the wheel, so currently we're going for a dare with everyone?

Akeno: YES, we'll all be doing the same dare. If one of us quits, it's over for everyone and we have to take the penalty

Rias: And why would you sound enthusiastic about receiving the penalty

Akeno: Because I always wanted to spin the penalty wheel

Koneko: *Reads the paper* There will be 2 wheels, one with each of our names and the other has the wheel of dares. Whoever's name the first spin lands spins the huge dare wheel.

Asia: I'm confused why do-

Koneko: I'm getting there, the one chosen to spin can do up to 2 respins. By any chance you decide to respin you have....... *Drops the paper* Not important.

Asia: *Looks around to see the other 2 wasn't going to say anything*

Rias: Asia, do you want to spin the first wheel

Asia: OH YES *Went up to the first wheel and spinned*

It spins for about 7 secs before coming to a full stop on Koneko

Akeno: Awww, why couldn't it be me?

Rias: Because it didn't

Koneko: *Walks up to the second wheel and spins it*

They all watched in intensity as the wheel spins and spins. Asia was so close to getting dizzy before the wheel stop at a dare.

Dare: Wear Bunny Suits For The Entire Day
At Least 3 Participating In The Challenge Has To Be Outdoors At All Times

Akeno: Oooo Bunny suits

Rias: Isn't this similar to the animal one Akeno had to do

Asia: We would look so cute, but doesn't Koneko-chan have to agree with it

Rias: Do you really want to do this Koneko

Koneko: *Looks aways* What Fs I guess

Rias: That seems to be a yes... if we're required to stayed outdoors the entire time. Then, we'll need tents, enough food, bunny suits, chargers, and 4 cameras which cost like $(Basically a lot) yen each.

Akeno: We can afford 2 more with the money you recieved from working out

Rias: Why are you so obsessed with bringing it back up? What makes it even worst is I seen you watching it on multiple occasions. Why do you constantly want to watch me stretch.

Akeno: *Shakes her head* I just want to see what you put yourself into... over and over an

Asia: Why do we need 4 cameras, couldn't we just share one

Akeno: It's more of perspective, and if done the right way we can have 4 videos instead of 1

Asia: I understand

Koneko:... I have another camera

Rias: When did you get it, Koneko?

Koneko: *Pulls it out from behind the couch* A client who watches our video gave it to me.

Asia: This is great *Jumps up and down in excitement*

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