Dare 5: Asia to Asia

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Currently the current 4 was staring intensely at 4 sticks sitting inside the cup

Rias: There are numbers 1-4 on each stick. This next round order will be decided on the number.

Akeno: I hope I get to go to first

Asia: *Breaths in* I'm excited for the new journey we're about to take

Koneko: What Fs I guess *Says that but was also tense*

They lift a hand and pulled out a stick

Koneko: *Pulls stick #4 and got sad* Suppose I'm going last

Asia: *Stick #1* Horray I'm going first

Akeno: Asia, you sound very excited to give someone a dare *Shows #2 stick* Do you want to have the person do something perverted

Asia: Well it wasn't what I was thinking *Blushes in embarrassment*

Rias: *Shows stick 3* Now that we decided the order, we can get started with the second round of daring

It is not so far to believe that they were all very excited to see what happens next

Asia: *Went up to the wheel and breaths* Here we go *Spins*

....The result was shocking

Asia: ME

Akeno: Will you look at that, you get to choose your own dare.

Koneko: Seems we're learning if Asia is a pervert confirmed


Koneko: *Shrugs and snorts*

Asia: *Blushes* These are the dares meant for me

Rias: Based off the views of our 4 perspective video, which we did separately: My video has 183K, Akeno has 217K, Asia has 93K, and Koneko has 144K.

Koneko: Double D cups and cow tits

Rias: *Sweatdrops*

Akeno: Koneko-chan, your popularity has increased. Isn't that something to be proud of.

Koneko: Maybe if you didn't give such an arrogant smile. I would be happy about it

Rias: *Once again ignoring these 2 bouting heads until*

Asia: Akeno

Akeno: Yes Asia?

Asia: I have a lot of simple dares, if these are the dares people request to me why are they so...

Akeno: Maybe it's because they believe you can't be sexy just cute

Asia: ...

Koneko: Asia... you actually want to extreme dares

Asia: Looking at Akeno list last time, they were so... out there I couldn't help but choose a simple one because... I was jealous

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