Dare 10: Akeno to Asia

43 0 0

New Dares for Xenovia: 87
New Dares for Roissweite: 126

Xenovia: Amazing, it has only been 4 days, since the new recruitment

Roissweite: *Scratches her cheek* I'm excited, but feel this is going to backfire on me

Asia: Roissweite-san, you'll be ok... we're right behind you

Roissweite: Thank you, Argento *Pets her head*

Koneko: Who's this "we"

Akeno: Now kitty titties be nice

Koneko: How about cow tits shut up

Rias: Both of you be nice.... anyway let's start early. I think the readers might actually get irritated when the dares only get done 1/3 of the story.

This will be the Dare for next for Dare 11: You'll see why

Akeno: *Turns on LIVE*

Rias: Now, since you 2 have more than enough dares... the two wheels we're gonna spin will first decide which of the 4 of us is going to give... the second spin will be for which one of you will be dared

Xenovia: Understood

Rias: *Refers to Asia* Will you do the first spin

Asia: *Nods and spins it*

Since Asia has little arm strength, the wheel only spins for 5 secs before landing on Koneko

You know what happens next Koneko spins the second wheel....since she has tons of arm strength the wheel spins for 30 secs before reaching a stop....



Roissweite: *Shakes in fear, not because the wheel chose her, but Koneko was the one who was giving her a dare* Am I gonna die

Everyone else sighs and reassures her that she'll be just fine. Koneko, on the other hand, was going through the list looking for most humiliating dare. Then, she found something extremely interesting and picked it. The choice caused everyone else to think "Why would you do that"

Dare: Go on a date in your sexiest outfit

Akeno: *Turns off LIVE before she could talk* Wow Kitty Titties.... even I wouldn't be that mean

Asia: You know how emotional Roissweite can get

Koneko: All she has to do is out on the dunce hat or go on a blind date. Also, shut it, Cow tits

Roissweite: I'll.... try....

Xenovia: WAY TO GO ROSS. You do great

Roissweite: How would I find a date.... nobody I know likes me *Tears up* No one would date an alcoholic

No one could really counter that, which made Rossweisse holds her breath trying not to whine

Rias: Then let's use a dating site *Shows them her account*

Akeno: I'm surprised... were you trying to find a partner *Puts a finger on her lips and says in a mocking tone* Was I not good enough for you

Rias: I knew there would be some point where we have to meet random people. Did you forget the App Akeno used in Dare 8. I made that account and I made 4 other different accounts that will probably come later.

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