Once Bitten

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He will, with no doubt, be the hardest nut to crack. No matter how long it takes, I will not leave without my old crony.

But of course, first order of business...

How do I even drive a submarine? A yellow submarine, at that...

I suppose I could just press one of these buttons...that's sort of what we were doing back then, wasn't it?

I press a glowing pink button, which sets off a wild contraption.

"Oops, that's not it..."

Suddenly, I hear a rattle in the pile of miscellaneous objects that have now been scattered across the floor. Now I'm really worried...

To my surprise, I lift up a loose fluffy blanket to see that Martha had not stayed behind. Her eyes light up at the sight of me.

"Martha?! What are you doing here, silly girl? Linda and the girls will be worried sick! You need to go back."

She gives me puppy eyes. I'm pretty convinced she learned that from me.

"Martha...don't give me that look."

She begins to whine, making this a dangerous combination. How could I say no to her now?

"Fine. We've got a long journey ahead of us, silly girl, so just take it easy. Plus, I still haven't figured out how to start this thing..."

She confidently walks over and puts her paw on one specific button: a flashing blue one at the front of the steering wheel.

"You think it's that one?"

She barks in response.

I agree, and miraculously, the submarine starts moving.

"No way. Martha, you're a genius! You deserve a treat, but I don't have any...sorry, sweetheart."

The journey to John's house was actually quite quick. I forgot how speedy and efficient the submarine was, and Martha tagging along certainly helped. Her encouragement kept my spirits up.

I took in a big breath of slight fear before knocking on John's door. Gosh, how long has it been since John and I have crossed paths? Five years? And what has it cost us? A never-ending friendship replaced by our own love? I miss the man so much...

Finally, I receive an answer. Yoko and I are face to face...a little awkward.


"Oh, um, hi Yoko. Is John here? It's important. I know I haven't talked to him in years, but this is kind of big."

"He's upstairs with Sean. Probably helping him go to sleep."

I nod and head upstairs, where I spot baby Sean in John's arms and see a side of John I've never seen before:

"There are places I remember, all my life, though some have changed..."

What a beautiful sight to see. John singing Sean to sleep, despite his hatred of his voice? Aww.

He looked so satisfied as he put his beautiful boy to rest. His smile was gleaming, lighting up the room, nearly on the brink of joyful tears as he walks away from his crib.

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