I've Got a Hole in My Pocket!

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Paul's POV


And with the biggest sneeze you've ever seen, the wind from it carried us all to the wonderous Sea of Holes.

Holes, holes, here, there, and everywhere. But there is only one green one to be found. The one that leads us to Pepperland. The Sea of Green. 

Bouncing around for a bit on the holes, then it was time to jump inside the maze of holes, as it should be called.

Thousands of black holes that lead to nowhere but a simple hiding spot...

And only one green hole that will be our key to Pepperland.

"John? George? Ringo? Anyone?" I called from various holes.

"You find it yet, Macca?" John called from afar.

"Not yet. What about you?"

"No...anyone else having any luck?"

No answer.

Yoko had Sean in her arms as she experienced jumping in and out of the holes for the very first time.

"Wheee!" Sean giggled, despite his mother having a completely different reaction.

"Ugh, I think I'm gonna puke...how do you boys do this?"

Ringo, in the realm of the green hole without knowing, goofs off like he's prone to do. "Hey, George, look! I've got a hole in my pocket!"

He chuckles slightly. "Very funny Ringo, but you did last time we did this too."

"You never know, this hole might save our lives again."

Meanwhile, Sean had jumped out of his mother's protective arms, in her sickly state, to play in the holes himself. He's too young. He didn't truly know what our task at hand was. He just wanted to have his fun.

Oh, you poor thing, you didn't know what lurked in the holes...

A sneaky indigo meanie popped its head in and out of the holes every so often.

And the absolute second Sean went to jump in another hole? Poof...taken away and kidnapped by the dreaded indigo meanie.

"Sean? Sean?! Where is Sean?!" John panics, noticing his absence.

Yoko rolls over. "Huh? Sean? You're not in mommy's arms?"

But soon, they get their answer...


"No...you bastard of a blue meanie! You give me back my son right now!"

I jump over to John, consoling him. "John, you know it's not gonna do any good. We're just gonna have to rescue him."

He sighs. "Fine. You're right."

"For now, let's focus on finding the-"

"Woof! Woof!"

"Martha! Did you find the green hole, girl?" I call to her, excitedly.

She nods and pants.

We all quickly hop through more holes to get to her area.

"Ugh...seriously guys, the holes make me sick..." Yoko whines.

"Come on, everyone, this green hole is the key to getting to Pepperland!" I call as Martha eagerly jumps into the hole almost cat like, while we join her.

Well, all except one...

"No! No more holes!" Yoko protests.

George growls. "We aren't playing this game with you. We're on a time limit. I suggest you get in..." He smirks as he pulls her in, shocking her and everyone else.

A low rumble is heard as we fall down this long hole, and all color vanishes as we hit our planned destination.

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