17. Pony

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After having a delicious breakfast in bed, I was sipping on what was left of my coffee when Chris got up and started getting dressed.

"Can't put it off any longer. It's time for the walk of shame. I need fresh clothes."

I bit my lip and gave him a small mischievous smile. "You sure? I thought we were having such a good time without any."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Don't start that now, Flounder. I'm determined to leave this room, but I'm only a man. I can't resist if you work your mythical magic on me."

"Fine, have it your way. Am I allowed to stay here or does my contract dictate that I come too?"

"Well, technically you should follow me everywhere I go... But I guess I can make an exception. Just this once. I won't be gone long."

"Good. I'm going to call the kids and try to sort out my snakes," I said and gestured to my head.

He tousled my hair and flashed a suggestive smile. "Oh, don't bother doing anything to that. I'm going to mess it up a little more when I get back..."

When Chris left, I put on only underwear and a t-shirt, thinking I would decide what to wear later. Then I called Elias and Ada, who were spending the weekend with my parents. They were happy to hear from me, yet distracted by the fact that they were in the car, headed to an adventure park. So I mostly talked to my mom while my dad did his best to disrupt us by making dad jokes in the background. 

After the call ended with "I love yous", I let out a sigh of relief. I hadn't told my parents about Chris and I felt absolutely shitty about it. They thought I was in London for a book fair. But I knew how much they always worried about me and that the truth at this point would only cause them sleepless nights. My mom had made it very clear over the past few years how much she wished me to find someone, so a part of me wanted nothing more than to tell her. But as this... situation or whatever I had with Chris, was complicated, to say the least, I had decided to keep it to myself for now. I promised myself I would tell them soon as the secrecy was killing me. I shook my head and made the next call.

"Morning babe."

Karla didn't even bother to greet me. "It's about time you called, I've been waiting for a status report for ages. How's London? And more importantly, how's America?"

"Both amazing. Like I'm in a dream."

"Well wake up for a second and tell me everything. What was your surprise?"

"He had rented a boat and took me on a cruise. Can you believe that? I almost couldn't. I mean a private boat? Who does that? It was incredible. And... we had sushi. He doesn't like sushi. And uhm... you know, he said... that... he's sort of... falling in love with me."

"Wow, that's a lot of information. First of all, who doesn't like sushi? I knew there had to be something wrong with him. And second, he really said that? It's not news to me, obviously, but... how do you feel about it?"

"Uhm, you know, I'm... a little overwhelmed. It's not like I'm not feeling it too I guess but... Oh, and the way he said it... he made a Sound of Music reference."

"Shut up! Are you making this shit up?"

"I swear I'm not," I sighed.

"Then fuck me, he isn't just written by a woman, he is written by you. For you. I say marry him. Now."

"I know, it's all a bit too... wonderful. Perfect. Makes me wonder..."

"Oh, no you don't. Don't say it."

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