36. Set in Stone

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When we left the hotel, I had already forgotten all about the possible outing of our relationship. Well, not forgotten, ignored. I was bummed about not getting to see Boston Public Library, but I was determined not to let a minor setback ruin our last day. What did worry me though, was Chris. Although he tried his best to hide it, I could tell he was on edge. In the car, I did most of the talking and he answered absentmindedly. His fingers kept tapping the steering wheel nervously and his smile looked half-hearted. I was starting to run out of puns as we drove on.

After about an hour's drive, we pulled up to a greyish-blue farm-style house in the middle of a cozy neighborhood. The sign by the gate read "Eden Hand Arts" and featured a stained glass tree, giving it a hippish vibe. There were a few cars parked on the lawn, but nothing to give away what type of place it was.

I was beyond intrigued. "What is this place? Are we making dream catchers? No wait, it's a tantric workshop, isn't it?" 

"I know you have a reputation to uphold, but is sex all you think about?" Chris smiled back as he killed the engine.

"I'm just saying. Hand arts could totally be code for lingam massages."

Chris shook his head and laughed. It made my heart happy that he seemed to relax a little.

I took off my seatbelt. "I'm so excited! What are we waiting for?"

Chris glanced at his watch. "We can't go in for... eight more minutes."

"Oh, right. It's not open yet?" I asked as I studied the house through the windshield.

"It is. But our appointment isn't until noon."

"Appointment? So, it's couple's therapy? Well done, sir. We sorely need it."

"So funny, Flounder. I hate to disappoint but psychoanalysis is not what we're here for. They make everyone book a ticket for a certain time. I think they only let a handful of people in at a time."

I nodded. "Makes sense. The place doesn't look that big. Ooh, I can't wait to see what it is!"

Chris looked like he didn't even hear me. He just stared blankly out of the window. I put my hand over his and squeezed.

"America. Whatever this place is, we don't have to stay if you don't feel like it. This trip has been so special already, we can just..."

"No, no, Flounder, I really want to do this. It's just... I don't know. Ever since this morning, I've had this... ominous feeling. My life has a way of coming between me and my plans. Like BPL. It got me thinking... Will we ever get to do all the stuff on our list? Or any of it."

I squeezed his hand again. When I thought about all the wonderful things he had given me, all the surprises, this whole incredible trip... I wanted to give him something too. Something real, something sure, something undeniable. And I had something like that.

"Sounds like we need to set our plans in stone right now. I know exactly how to do it," I said and pulled my phone out of my purse.

Chris lifted an eyebrow at me. 

"Just so you know, after we make this call, our autumn plans are rock solid. We can't walk away from them even if there's a zombie apocalypse," I stated as I hit the right contact. Mikael answered quickly.

"Hei, Anna!"

"Moi! I'm so sorry to call again, but I'd like a quick word with the kids if it's not too much trouble."

"Of course, it's not. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's great. I just need to ask them something."

"Let me just find them for you, they're upstairs," he said before he called for Ada and Elias. I waited and grinned at Chris who picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles. He didn't need to understand Finnish to know what was going on.

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