Chapter 1

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Dream remembered his confusion the day the baby appeared out of nowhere. He had been chilling in the woods near "Manburg", thinking about...definitely not a certain fox man. 

He was wishing he could visit his fiancé in Manburg, but knew that he probably wasn't the most welcome. 

He was wondering what could happen when all the shit had been sorted out, and he could see Fundy again. Would they finally move in together? Could he get Wilbur's blessing to marry Fundy, even though they were already technically engaged?

He was thinking about a family. Would they have kids, would they be adopted? 

He was imagining what their biological kids would look like, if they could have them. 

He was envisioning every detail. Would they have Fundy's hair? Dream's eyes? Would they look more like their grandparents?

That was when it happened. There was a slight poofing sound, and a soft glowing light. Dream looked up, and there he was. A tiny baby, looking by a newborn, hovering in the air. Dream's eyes widened, and when the light disappeared and the baby began to fall, his instincts kicked in. He caught the child, and cradled to his chest. 

What the fuck?!


Dream smiled sadly at the memory. Gods, he missed his boy. He wasn't dead, but the only reason he wasn't was the reason why Dream was stuck in prison.

Another memory surfaced, pushing it's way to the forefront of his mind.


Dream stared at the strange man standing in the entrance of Dream's tent.The man was tall, though not quite as tall as Dream, and was wearing full nephrite armor. Dream clutched his son closer to his chest (yes, the baby was his son, Dream had confirmed it with XD. Yes, biologically. More on that later) with one hand, gripping his sword in the other. 

"I don't know who you are, but I don't particularly care. I'm busy, please leave me alone." Dream said, more tired and irritated than aggressive.

The stranger chuckled darkly, "Sorry Dream." He said with a glint in his eyes, "I'm not going anywhere."

The man advanced, and Dream raised his sword. But he was tired from caring for a newborn, and was quickly overpowered. Stupid face, as Dream had dubbed the man, grabbed the baby. Dream eyes widened and then he glared, starting forward. 

"Ah, ah, ah-" Stupid face tutted with a smirk, "I am currently holding your son, it would be a shame if I were to accidentally... let him slip."

At that, Dream froze in his tracks. He had read enough about babies over the past few days that he knew their skulls were especially soft. A fall from this height, even just a few feet above the ground, could be fatal. 

(I've actually had a kind of traumatic experience relating to this...nobody died but it was fuckin scary)

"Good job." Stupid face said tauntingly. "I'm glad you made that decision, the boy is more useful to me alive."

It was then that the boy in question began to cry. A flicker of concern passed through Dream's eyes, but he quickly shielded his expression. He sensed that any sign of weakness around this man could be dangerous. "What do you want from us?" He growled, low and threatening.

"Oh, not much." Stupid face grinned. "But what I do want is for you to listen to my terms, or this could get bloody quickly."


Dream shifted on the hard cell floor. He hated thinking about what happened next. Stupid face, who he soon learned was named Haws, had continued to threaten Dream's son until he agreed. to his demands. Those demands? That Dream obey his orders and cause chaos and war. Dream had protested at first, but with his son in the enemy's hands there wasn't much he could do. 

So he obeyed.He gave Wilbur tnt, pressured and threatened Tubbo, mentally and a little physically tortured Tommy, tried to kill both boys. And all the while maintained the villain act. During this time, Haws visited daily to make sure his little puppet hadn't attempted to rebel. 

Just before Tommy and Tube arrived to his secret base, Dream had decided that he wasn't going to make it out of this encounter. He hoped that he would live, but either death or imprisonment would work. Anything as long as he couldn't hurt anybody anymore. 

But Dream couldn't leave his son alone, and definitely not with Haws. So he called upon an old friend. 

Many people would have called Dream crazy for literally handing his child to Death, but he knew that the goddess would never do anything to harm him. Besides, she had children of her own. He knew his son would be in good hands.

Kristin didn't question him when Dream asked her to take care of his kid, possibly for a long time. She simply smiled, albeit sadly, and promised she would look after the wee thing.

So now Dream sat in prison, missing his son more and more by the minute. Until finally, feeling that death was approaching Dream if she did not interfere, the kind-hearted goddess decided to reunite father and son.

I should really be working on my other books instead of starting a new one but OH WELL.

I'm a sucker for Fundywastaken so here you go. Have a story.


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