Chapter 5

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Dream crossed his legs to sit more comfortably, settling Connor in his lap.

"So..." he began rather awkwardly. "why are you here, exactly?"

"I wanted to talk to you. About everything that happened. Everything you did. Why. How. we can fix it." Fundy's voice was soft and gentle, reminding Dream of the nights they would lay together on a couch, under the stars, or in bed, and just talk. Talk about anything, everything, and nothing. Basking in each other's presence. And...

"You want to...fix it?" he questioned. "Our relationship or my mistakes?"

"Both? I don't know." Dream heard Fundy sigh. "I just want us to be okay again. I want you to be okay again."

Dream didn't want to cry again, but dammit if Fundy didn't stop sounding so sappy and sweet he just might.

"I'm opening the door." Dream said after a moment of silence. He placed Connor on the floor, for once hoping he would chew on his pants just to keep him occupied. Not waiting for an answer from the other side of the door, he stood and placed his hand on the handle. Taking a deep breath, he twisted his wrist and flung the door back open. 

And there he was. His hazel eyes shining with emotion, tail wagging slightly. His ears twitching involuntarily at the creak of the hinges. That dam hat he never seemed to take off.

"Hey Funds." Dream whispered.

"Hey Dreamy." Fundy smiled softly at him, and the blonde couldn't stand it any longer.

Grabbing Fundy's wrist, Dream pulled him close and wrapped his arms around his neck. Finally letting out the second wave of tears, Dream buried his face in Fundy's hair. Fundy, being quite a bit shorter, tucked his face into Dream's shoulder and hugged him back.

They held onto each other for a while, neither wanting to let go. The ginger hair Dream had his face in smelled like honey and strawberries. Fundy's scent. The other man clutched at the back of Dream's hoodie like a lifeline. Despite the hoodie being new, it still smelled of Dream, of woodsmoke and pinesap. 

Both Dream's shoulder and Fundy's hair were becoming wet with tears, but they didn't care. The only reason they ever let go was a "Bah!" and a tugging on Dream's pant leg from Connor. 

Dream sniffled and bent down to pick up his son. He grinned at Fundy.

"Would you like to come in? We can talk over tea."


The two men sat across from each other at Dream's kitchen table, Connor sitting on Dream's lap. The baby amused himself by playing with his dad's hands while the adults talked.

"So...What happened? How did you escape from prison? How did you get here? Where did the child come from!?" Words tumbled from Fundy's lips like a waterfall, unable to hold back the questions any longer.

Dream smiled. "The child's mine. It's kind of a long story, but basically I created him by accident."

His partner raised an eyebrow, wondering how one 'accidentally' makes a kid. However, he didn't interrupt.

"Basically, I was thinking about kids and what it would be like to have one of our own-" Dream blushed slightly, making Fundy 'aww' at him. "and all of a sudden he was there! I asked DreamXD about it and he explained." 

Fundy made a 'go on' gesture.

"He said that since I'm an admin, I have a few special abilities. There are the basic ones, like changing the weather or summoning useless blocks like dirt-" Fundy scoffed. Dirt was not useless, thank you very much. Dream ignored him, "but there are also complicated ones, like creating life. Apparently once or twice in their lifetime an admin can make a child out of sheer force of will."

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