Chapter 7

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New character pov pog?

Tommy was worried. Very worried. Extremely worried. So very extremely worried that he went to talk to Tubbo about their missing nephew and the fact that he had disappeared just days after Dream escaped prison. 

When Tubbo opened his front his door to a Very Extremely Worried Tommy, he instantly also became Very Extremely Worried. Tommy never liked to show what he thought of as 'weakness', aka any negative emotion besides anger, so this was unusual. Plus, Tommy had barely left his house since Dream's escape, so it was a surprise to see him outside.

Letting the Very Extremely Worried boy into his house, Tubboled him over to the couch and gestured for him to sit down. Both teens sat, and Tommy revealed the reason he was so Very Extremely Worried.

"Fundy's been missing for almost a week." he blurted out, looking down at his lap.

Tubbo frowned. Fundy wasn't the type to leave without letting someone know where he was going, and he knew that Tommy had so much anxiety lately that the first thing the boy would have done was ask around. Seeing as Tommy was now here with Tubbo, he apparently had talked to everyone who might have known where Fundy was. 

"You're sure he didn't leave a note or something?" Tubbo questioned his friend, despite already knowing the answer.

Tommy glared at him. "Bitch, I'm very sure. I turned his house practically inside out looking. Also asked as many people as I could find. no one has seen him in at least a week, if not longer."

They sat in silence, Tommy fiddling with his hands and Tubbo pondering. A week ago...that would have been only a few days after the prison breach.

"you don't think..." Tubbo hesitated. Tommy didn't have the greatest history with Dream, bringing him up might not be the best idea. But Tubbo plowed forward, he had to finish this thought. "You'd don't think maybe something might've happened to him? If it was a week ago, that was right after..." He trailed off.

Tommy's fists clenched. "If that fucker did anything to my nephew, I won't hesitate to rip his fucking face off." he threatened, with a quite scary expression. Yubbo scooted slightly away from his angry brother/friend.

"If that is what happened, I'll help you. But we should gather more evidence first. Talk to more people. Find out if anyone saw anything. And how knows, maybe he just fell asleep or got lost in the woods somewhere." Tubbo placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "We'll find him big man, don't worry."

"I can't not worry, but thanks Big T. I'll go around and question people, spread the word. Call if you find anything."

Tubbo nodded. "Alright big man. But first, get some sleep. You look like you either haven't slept, or did sleep a few hours but on the ground in the dirt somewhere."

Further proof of that statement showed when Tommy didn't protest, simply said goodbye to Tubbo and left. He practically dragged himself back to his house and into bed. Within five minutes he was out like a light. 


Turns out, sleep works wonders for mental and physical health. Go figures. Feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, Tommy exited his house with a spring in his step. The night before had been the best sleep he had gotten in a long time. Likely because he was so exhausted from not sleeping that the tiredness chased away the nightmares.

The only initial problem with leaving was that his adopted son, Shroud, had been lying on his chest and refused to get off. Eventually Tommy managed to remove the spider child's six arms and two legs from around his torso. He then sent his son to stay with 'Uncle Tubbo' while he continued his investigation. 

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