Chapter 8

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The demigod hummed contentedly, sitting amongst his friends. Some of the only living beings he could trust. The world was cruel, and allies were scarce. He was lucky to find such good, loyal friends as these.

"Well, I better head back inside." Technoblade told his dogs, giving the ones nearest him some final head pats. They whined in protest, but didn't move to stop him when he left the large doghouse and entered the snow.

The door creaked slightly as Techno shoved it closed against the harsh arctic wind. His winged friend looked up from his cup of tea, and smiled softly at the sight of the piglin covered in snow and dog fur.

"So exactly how much wood did you collect on that extra-long outing?" Phil asked, faking sincerity. Techno froze.

He had left mid-morning, telling Phil he was going out to collect wood. Spoiler alert, he hadn't, instead opting to spend the day with his dogs. Sometimes it was quiet, sometimes Techno would rant about random things. Dogs were good listeners. It was warm in the doghouse, and for once the voices weren't screaming for blood in his head. The dogs' company made them happy too.

"Uh-well you see Phil-" Techno stammered, trying to make up an excuse. 

"It's alright mate. I get it. The dogs don't judge, and neither do I. Besides, they're great at cuddling." Phil smiled up at the tall piglin.

Techno's shoulders sagged with relief. He hated lying, especially to his da-Phil. "Thanks. Chat was bein' extra loud, somethin' about how cute furries and and hedgehogs and blobs are. Less blood than usual, but still annoyin'." 

"Again, mate, I get it. You don't have to hide the fact that you're secretly a huge softie."The old man teased.

The blood god's face turned red with embarrassment, "I am not! Who's tellin' you those lies? Don't you know who I am? I'm the-I'm the blood god, the orphan killer! I'm not a softie."

"Sure mate."


Technoblade was actually going to spend today chopping wood, he swears! Somehow he just keeps getting dragged into situations that allow Phil to call him soft. 

See, perhaps spending an entire day in a doghouse wasn't the best idea in the long run. The dogs did everything in there. They slept, they ate, they pooped. And Techno had been sitting with them in the poo-filled space for nearly twelve hours. 

Needless to say, the Blade was sick. Not bad, just enough that Phil wouldn't let him leave his bed, much less the house. Oh, and Techno had thrown up a couple times. Or five times. No big deal. Techno knew better than to protest, though. That old man could be scary. 

So now Techno could choose between eating, sleeping, reading, or listening to Chat for hours. Eating was out of the question, he would most likely vomit at the smell alone. He didn't.t want to sleep, that was boring and he wasn't tired. That left reading or...ugh. Chat. The Art of War was sitting on Techno's armchair downstairs, but he didn't want to get up to get it. Neither did he want to bother Phil, even though he probably wasn't busy at the moment. Techno didn't like to bother people with things he could technically do himself, so no Art of War. 

Chat knew which option now remained. 

Haha you're stuck with us


f in the chat for the blade



Phil wouldn't be bothered just ask him for the book


He's too socially awkward for that, duh

Oh yeah. ha loser

Did you guys see what the blob and the furry are doing right now it's so adorable

This again. Chat hadn't shut up about these so-called 'blob, furry and hedgehog' for the past week and it was getting annoying. But if Techno was being honest, he was kind of invested now. It was like a sitcom in his head, except without visuals, so more like a radio show.

Omg ikr

Except that hedgehog just threw his bottle at blob's face

That was still cute


everything that child does is cute


oh no I think blob just passed out. kid's got one hell of an arm


No no he's awake. Just dazed.

Furry's trying to hard not to laugh

hes gonna lose it in

Ha get wrecked blob your own fiancé's laughing at your pain

it's not like we're any better

True dat

Techno spent his day listening to his own personal radio show. Chat heard his thoughts about it and decided to actually act it out for him in his head. They created voices for the three characters, except for the one Techno assumed was a baby. For him they just made random baby sounds.

As far as Techno could tell, the three were actual people Chat could somehow listen in on. It was as if the people were characters in a Wattpad story, and Chat were commenters. 

Two of the 'characters' were adults, both male. They were raising a baby together, and seemed pretty happy. It really was like a sitcom, something absolutely ridiculous and/or hilarious would happen and they would have to clean up the mess. Chat's commentary just made it that much worse. 

Techno didn't think he had laughed so hard in a long time.

Downstairs, Phil had no idea what his friend was laughing about. If it had been anyone else, he might have thought they were crazy. But Phil was well-aware of Chat, and he was glad they were getting along with Techno for once. 

At least one of his children was happy. 

Sorry about the wait! I do most of my writing at school, and the wi-fi has been down for a while.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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