The hanagaki siblings

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My Pov
Hina was walking to go visit takemichi, even though they broke up on good terms it was still unexpected since michi said he was doing this to protect her which she true heartily believe but it was also something else.

She knew the blonde was oblivious to his own feelings but she knew he started to lose feelings for her and that he grew to like someone else so she gave him up wanting him to be happy with someone else even if it isn't her but when she found out the person that hurted takemichi was the person takemichi truly loved she couldn't help but get pissed off.

'I didn't give him up just for that bastard to hurt him he deserve to be happy!'

Hina knew she should have trusted he instinct when she first saw those two blondes but when takemichi protected them, it meant that they were good since takemichi usually has good judgment, oh how wrong she was....

When she was in takemichi room ready to talk to the boy she was shocked that he wasn't in his bed, she thought maybe he went to the bathroom but when she ask the nurse they said that his been gone since this morning and that they have been looking for him sense then, they also said that there was a man that came the day before he went missing but they couldn't see his face since he was wearing a mask and hood, she couldn't believe what was happening she went back to the room where takemichi should be.

Sge soon found letters that laid on the hospital bed, it was addressed to everyone takemichi knew and cared about even if they weren't close. She open one that was addressed to everyone and she couldn't help but become more pissed off.

Hina picked up the other letters looking who it was addressed to but what was strange, was when she found a letter that was addressed for someone she never heard about...She was going to open it but a voice then stopped her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"
The voice left a shiver up Hina spine from how cold and dangerous it was,

"W-who are you!?"
Hina build enough courage to say

"Hmm....I'm Mi, im shock you don't know me, but then again that wouldn't be surprising since takemichi never liked talking about me which I don't blame him"

"Oh...Here's a letter that was left for you also..."
Mi looked at Hina

"Well what is it?"

"You just make it sound like Michi hates you and I.....I..... don't think he does even tho I don't know you... I know michi, he isn't a person that would hold grudges or hate someone"

Mi couldn't help but laugh at Hina statement

"Ahahah you know your nice and all but you seriously have no clue what I did...."

"Then what did you do?.."

"Hmm....I'm guessing Michi never explain anything about his past huh?"

"Yea but he always said his parents were never around because of business overseas"

"Ahah is that so? I guess Michi never trusted anyone after the incident even his ex girlfriend"

Hina blushed at what mi said from embarrassment

'Man why did she have to bring the past up again its embarrassing enough when just me and Michi talk about it'
Silence soon fell in the hospital room soon Mi finally spoke

"Me and Michi past is... difficult I have regrets that I wish I never did and to this day I'm still shocked that Michi didn't go crazy in the beginning but I'm also not shocked he disappeared and came to our father's home country.."

"Wait our!? Does that mean...."

"Yep I'm Mi Hanagaki, Takemichi sister"

Hina was shocked she wouldn't have guessed that michi would have a sibling, let alone a older one he always said he was the only child (cough* like the akashi siblings *cough)

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