A dark past

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<> this means that it's somebody talking about their past in their perceptive also
Mi is 18
Takemichi is 15 their three years apart
My pov

Mi, inupi, Hina, and koko was in the room, now it was a struggle to have inupi agree to have koko in the same room as him since he now had a very strong dislike for the blacked haired boy. But he agreed since Inupi didn't want to agrue, he just wanted to found the truth of his hero.

"So I guess we should start in the beginning when we were growing up in spain"

"Wait spain!?"
Hina said shocked by the news but who wouldn't be, even the other two boys were shocked as well,

"Well me and Mitchy are only half Japanese the other half being spainierd"


"Anyways let me talk"

<Takemichi was a boy with inky black hair, fair skin, with crystal blue eyes that when you look in them you feel trap or more so memerized by how truthful and sincere his eyes would be but that change after a special incident.>

"I was so caught up with my emotions that when I realized I was out of control, it was to late...."
The room went quite

"Please continue Mi-kum"
Hina said looking at her lap, she was scared of what she's about to find out
<Nobody should go through especially a child that young michi being 10 while i was 13. Me and Takemichi had lost our parents due to some people who wanted revenge on the hanagaki family, we found out our family was in the mafia also known as Las panteras blancas(The white Panthers).

Takemichi and I was shocked that our parents was the leaders behind of a criminal organization but we didn't see them as criminal more so we saw them as undercover heros playing to be the villain. The organization that our parents made was to protect people and provide for the poor but the ways our parents went through with it, was to kill and steal from the rich, takemichi and I always thought that our parents were so cool even though they hurt and killed hundreds of people before, these people also hurt innocents, took from the poor, and treated the lower class inhuman so our parents thought they should be treated as they treated others by killing, torturing, and stealing....

Our parents knew the consequences of their actions so they did their best hiding and protecting us. But it failed when a group of individuals found out the identity of me and Michi while thinking what would hurt our parents the most...
"You and michi"
Koko said in a low voice

Hina covered her mouth while inupi was sitting their quite
<This organization planned to kidnap me and takemichi but they didnt succeed of kidnapping me but they did succeed of kidnapping michi, I dont know what they did to him or what happened but i knew that it wasn't anything good, it was almost a week since michi was kidnapped and our parents planned to get Michi out of that place, it was suicide mission.....
At the end my parents got killed trying to save michi.....me and michi soon had to learn to survive on our own, picking up streeting fighting, finding scraps to eat, run from the police and the organization, we soon came across these two kids, they were older then mitchy but a bit younger then me, they were beated up pretty bad so me and michi took them in we all built a a place to live in and after that we all became friends...family even.
"What happened to them?"
Inupi muttered out

"I'll tell you..."
Mi said with a small smile
Mitchy and Riku never got alonged they would always agrue and disagree but they loved each other.....one night the organization found out where i and michi was and barged into our home we tried to fight them off but they were to strong and took Riku and Akira.....
"my Akira"
Mi said so low that it was barely a whisper but Hina heard it she looked at Mi with such sympathy

'Oh..Mi-kun I'm sorry for your lost'
Hina thought
<I was planning on freeing Riku and Akira from the organization by myself but takemichi found out about my plan

"Michi you cant come!"

"Why not!? There my friends to"


I screamed that both of us we shocked from my outburst, i soon left to excute my plan leaving michi behind....when I finally got in the organization i was looking for riku and Akira but to my luck the alarms went off soon the next thing i knew there was a explosion the building was going to collapse.

I escape but I didn't get Riku and Akira though and once I got out I watch as the building was on fire, buring down, then it collapse. I sat there watching it crying and screaming but then I heard michi...

"Yes I did it"

"My spider bombs!" (Yes I know Arcane)

"You did this?.."

"Well yea I was trying to help and i finally did" (fuck this part always hit me hard)

I got up and made myself over to him then I punched him as hard as I could I kept punching him

"Mi! Stop! Please what did I do!?"

"You made this whole building collapse and started a fire don't you understand!? I DIDNT GET TO FREE RIKU AND AKIRA THEY WERE STILL IN THE BUILDING, THE BUILDING YOU LIT ON FIRE!!!"

Everything was silent I realized what I did and just said at that moment but I could tell it was to late so I got up and left, leaving him there...I stood behind a wall hearing nothing but him crying and the fire in the background, I was going to go and get michi but it seems I was to late, there was this man with a boy no much older then michi and I, I tried my best to get there but I soon realized I was bleeding out near my admin but the last I seen was michi crying while hugging the man but I swear I seen a devilish grin on the man face>
"And that's it.."
Mi muttered out

"So you hurted michi because of your stupid feelings!?"
Inupi yelled out

"Inupi it was an accident they were both kids they didn-"

"Bullshit Hina she's was out of cont-"

"Yes that doesn't give her a right for what she did but she was also just a kid not knowing what to do just like how you were when you were with taiju!"

The whole room went silent they didn't know what to say, Mi couldn't help let out a snort trying to cover up her laugh soon inupi sighed and calmed down

"Ok ok you win"
Inupi said putting his hands up

"Good now Mi-kun"

"Uh yes Hina-chan?"

"Do you know what happen to michi when he went with the man and kid?"

"Nope.. I know he left spain to come to Japan but that man is a dangerous one so is the kid..."

"We need to inform everyone about this..Takemichi might be in serious danger"

"Oh before you guys start telling everyone there something important I need to tell you about michi and that man"

Everyone seem to stop and look at Mi
"That man who picked up michi was the leader of the organization that killed our parents"

Everyone froze soon the room got cold
"And about michi...be careful he might've been friendly to you but when his out of control there's no stopping him"

"Ahahah we already have someone who's similar, it's actually koko's boss"

"Really inupi?"

"Yep now come on we need to gather everyone up!"

"Yes! let's save mitchy-kun"
Hina said
Omg I finally done with the chapter I can't wait to write the next chapter also I know this seems similar to Arcane it actually is I just love the show so much that I kinda did a crossover but takemichi is jinx and there's going to be some twist in the story to but I hope you enjoy also comment I love reading people's feedback anyways have a good rest of the day everyone💕🤧

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