Characters analysis

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Characters: Dallas Winston, ponyboy Curtis, soda pop Curtis, Darrel Curtis, johnny cade, two-bit Mathews. steve range, Cherry Valance, and my OC

Dallas Winston: Dally is cold, mean, and tough. He is far tougher than the other members of the Greasers. He does not respect the law and often finds himself involved in crime. He slashes tires, steals, and acts regardless of the law

Darrel Curtis: Strong, athletic, and intelligent, Darry has quit school. He works two jobs to hold the family together. The unofficial leader of the greasers, he becomes an authority figure for Ponyboy. He also makes good chocolate cake, which he and his brothers eat every day for breakfast.

Ponyboy: Ponyboy is soft-spoken and sensitive in The Outsiders. He feels everything very deeply and expresses himself through words and poetry. He loves his friends and his brothers with everything he has, and he would do anything for them.

Sodapop Curtis: Sodapop, sometimes called “Soda,” is the middle of the three Curtis brothers. He is energetic, disinterested in school, and movie-star handsome. Ponyboy describes his idolization of Sodapop from the very beginning, and says his brother “gets drunk on just plain living,” a quality he deeply admires.

Johnny cade: Johnny Cade is a vulnerable sixteen-year-old greaser in a group defined by toughness and a sense of invincibility. He comes from an abusive home, and he takes to the greasers because they are his only reliable family.

Steve Randle: Steve is a seventeen-year-old greaser who works with Sodapop at the gas station. Steve knows everything about cars and specializes in stealing hubcaps. He is cocky and intelligent, tall and lean. He wears his thick hair in a complicated arrangement of swirls.

two-bit -Mathews: He is the "oldest and the wisecracker of the bunch." He's the second oldest, behind Darry (who's 20), and is known for stealing. He makes people laugh and has a very fun personality, along with being lazy, often being teased for not having a job. The nickname for his nickname is Two, and he does not like his real name.

Cherry Valance: Cherry, a cheerleader, attends the same high school as Ponyboy. She is cute, rich, and stands up for what she believes in. Through Pony's friendship with Cherry, he begins to see that "things are rough all over." She challenges Pony to see that the Socs are as individually unique as the greasers are, and as troubled.

My OC/Ray: my OC/ray is quiet and retiring but is also a buoyant, bubbly teen with a bold sense of style

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