chapter 1

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( I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense or if something is misspelled or if the grandma is worng I'm sorry but tell me what you think and give me feedback if I need it which I'm pretty sure I do but including this and the story has 1109 words)

Ray pov: here i am again the same dream and a familial place and I know I've been here but I can't put my finger on it or why I was there or what this place is But here I am, again with them and I can here talking and the music that's playing and I am with someone and he is taller than me and  bigger than me. But I can't figure out who it is I can only see a shadow but it's not a distinct one, So I have no idea who this is, so pretty much right now I'm with a stranger. A stranger who's grabbing my waist and dancing with me, so pretty much I am dancing with a stranger and I want to know who he is and who everybody else is but then I feel it, I feel me starting to wake up and everything's slowly disappearing. But I'm trying, I'm trying to figure out where I am before it's too late and I wake up again and I start panic because everything is slowly disappearing like the room that I'm in the people who are in there ,the music  the food and the drinks and the shadow person but before he disappears he lays down to my ear and says " I'll see you again don't worry I'm always with you." in a voice that I know but I also don't but I am pretty sure that I know that voice but I can't put my finger on it, and then before I can say something back or ask some questions, everything is gone it all goes back to black.

And then I feel it my eyes slowly but surely opening up and there I am awake laying in my room on my bed and I look around trying to adjust my eyes to everything and once I'm fully adjusted I sit up and look at the clock "oh fuck I can still be asleep I don't have to go there until another hour or so. " I say googly and annoyed but I guess that's how it is for somebody who has insomnia and randomly wakes up,

so I decided to get up and get some breakfast so I go to the kitchen and get one of my favorite meals that I already prepped out of my refrigerator and it is sausage and eggs on English muffin. And I heat it up and then i let it cool down for a minute or so I don't burn myself then, I decide to go back to my room with my food in hand and go to my desk and sit down and eat my breakfast while reading a book that Ponyboy got for me,and when I'm finally done eating I decided to stop reading so I get a bookmark and put it in the book so I don't lose my place

and but it down on the desk. And then I decided to start getting ready so I walk to the closet and I grab some close, and put them on my bed and go to the bathroom so I can take a shower. I take a long hot shower and has I take the shower I think about the dream and I think about what the guy said but then  I get out so I don't hyper fixate on it, And get my towel and wrap it around me go back to my room get my clothes on and dry my hair I look at my clock

"oh shit." I say, I lost track of time So I hurry up get ready and I'm grabbing the things that I need like a different book that Ponyboy got me for school, my water bottle and my car keys. And I walk out of my house and down my driveway and get into my car and start it so I can Drive to the curtis house, and while I'm driving I have the windows Road down and the radio on a volume that is q little bit loud and it's playing one of his favorite songs but also one of my and I start to sing with it " I can't get no, oh, no, no, no, hey, hey, hey
That's what I say
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no girl reaction
'Cause I try, and I try, and I try, and I try
I can't get no, I can't get no."

I sing as I'm getting close to the curtis house, and when I arrive I see Ponyboy sitting outside waiting for me I turn off my car and get my stuff out of the backseat and then get out of my car " hey ray " I hear ponyboy say as i walk up to the deck " hey ponyboy." I say has he opens the frontdoor for me when I get into the house I take of my platform shoes, I look around and nobody's here that's odd but I don't think about it that much of it besides.

It's not like I can because then Ponyboys grabbing my hand and bring me to his room and talking about the book that he got and the project he is trying to make. And I'm not really paying attention which kind of bites me back because all the sudden I hear " does my project that I want to make sound too similar to that book " ponyboy ask me, and me being me, not wanting to let him know that I spaced off while he was talking I say no and he nods his head.

And when we finally gets settled I take off my jacket and sit down on his bed. and he sit at his desk table and I know this sounds weird, but this was become a ritual for me and him reading books that we get together at a bookstore that I found when I was hanging out with Cherry Valance and her friends. That are nice to me but I don't know if they are going to be nice to the gang or if the gang would want to be around the socs because of what the have done, So I have been keeping my mouth shut around the Gang even though it's eating me up in the inside.

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