chapter 2

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(Hello it's been a hot minute since I wrote anything so if this doesn't make sense, or if this kind of sucks I'm sorry I tried my best but with this little side note and this chapter there is 1259 words all together)

Ponyboy pov:
After a while of me and Ray sitting together reading I noticed that she started to space off, I wanted to say something but then I got cut off by my doorbell ringing me and Ray both got up at the same time and when we got to the front door and when i looked in the peephole it was Johnny was there.

And I felt bad because I promised that we were going to see Dallas and I know that him and Ray don't get along but I didn't want to send Ray home. So I decided that I was going to ask her to come along even though that she will probably say no and if she did say yes that it would end up in chaos like last time. But then I got Stamped Out of my thoughts when I heard Ray says "Ponyboy are you okay is it them because if it is you know what your brother's said and I don't want you to get in trouble." and that's what I realized that she was getting worried like when she last had her pain attack that's when I cut her off and I said.

"No it's not them it's Johnny" I says to ray "oh" ray says "yeah I'm sorry I must have just got caught up in my thoughts." I says to ray. "May I ask why he's here" I heard ray says "yeah just give me a minute let me get him in" I says to ray "ok" I heard ray says when I cracked open the door Johnny says "are you ready to see Dallas Ponyboy." That's when I fully open the door and that when he sees Ray right next to me looking at me pissed off kind of,

"oh i am sorry..umm am I intruding on something" Johnny says, "oh no you're not I just didn't know that you guys we're supposed to see Dallas today" ray says. "Oh" Johnny says well looking at me. "oh yeah you see I just about to ask you ray if you want to come along " I says, " Umm sure " ray says " are you sure " Johnny says to ray "yes I am and besides I don't want to go home." Ray says, "ok"

me and Jonny says at the same time "let's get our stuff and get out of here" I says to ray "ok." ray says we all go to my room and ray gets her stuff and get my coat and we all walk back to the living room, as ray is looking in her bag to make sure she was everything, "Oh shit my inhaler is not in my bag it must of falling out in your room Ponyboy or in my car." Ray says "it's ok I'll go back in my room and look and well I'm looking put on your shoes." I says to ray " ok mr. Bossy" rae says to me making me and Johnny laugh,

And ray walking to where her shoes are and puts them on and when she down she looks up to see me there and ask "did you find it" ray says "no I didn't i am sorry" i says to ray. " it's ok don't apologize it's probably in my car I am going to go check ok I will be right back." She says to us "ok" me and Johnny says as she walking out of the house but not even 10 minutes later she comes back in to the house and Johnny ask if she found it, "No" she says to Johnny " I can go back in my room and check again" I says to ray "no it's ok if you didn't find it the first time you are probably not going to find it the second time, and besides I haven't had an asthma attack in a while I just carry it around, just in case but I've been fine so I don't think I need it and I don't think it a big deal."

Ray says to me "are you sure it's not a big deal because if you aren't I don't think Dallas would mind us being late." Johnny says to ray. " Yeah I'm sure and besides my asthma is not has bad has it used to be okay we can go, and besides we wouldn't want to keep are highness waiting." ray says"ok if you are sure" Johnny says in concern to ray, and ray facial expression softens before saying "Hey don't worry about it I am going to be okay" "ok" Johnny says. "okay so are we all already" ray says "yes." Me and Johnny says at the same time "ok lets get this show on the road" ray says as we all walk out,

"ok so where are we going" ray says to me and Johnny, "we are going to meet Dallas at the corner of bowen lounge." Johnny says "oh ok I just have one more question " ray says "ok what is it " I says to ray. "why?" Ray asks "oh to see some movie" Johnny says "oh" says ray in curiosity as we continue walking  "oh and Ponyboy do you know what I just realized you don't have your jacket." Johnny says as we're getting closer too here Dallas want to meet up and that's when I realized that he was right, and that's what I remembered when I went back into my room to check for ray inhaler I took off my jacket and forgot to put it back on but I  think I'll be okay but I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard

"oh no  you had it before you went back into your room to check for my inhaler, I'm sorry are you going to be okay do you want to go back do to get or do you want me to go back I can get it." Ray says "no its fine" I says and then we kept on walking for 10 more minutes and we turned the corner and we will finally there,

Dallas POV
has I'm lighting up another cigarette I hear "what's going on dal?" As I stated to look up I felt a hand a pat on my shoulder and I hear "what's up" as I finally look up I see Johnny, Ponyboy and surprisingly ray. I waited for a minute or two to see if she will say hello but she doesn't so I go back to looking at Johnny and Ponyboy then I look off to the other side of the street and I say "we're early." I says, " what do you want to do" ponyboy ask "nothing legal man" I says well

I'm looking at ray and I see her facial expression turn from neutral to annoyance and that's when I realized me trying to get underneath her skin is so easy and finally happened because, I think I made her remember what happened between her and me and I was honestly pleased with myself she thinks she's all that but she's not. Because without ponyboy, Johnny and two-bit her little toy she would not be here I get out of my thoughts and says "let's get out of here."

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