✨A soft hearted beast ✨

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✨A love story of a villain who was never actually a villain ❤️💚✨ Part 3

Its all dark...so dark that you can't even see your shadow...still you continued to follow him. Different thoughts were rushing through your mind... one of them was a dilemma to continue or to go back to the celebration... Your stomach was making growling sounds asking for some food...this made you remember the feast more.

It was a dense forest...loki wasn't even in site... At a distance you were hearing some growling and howling sounds... somewhere owls hooting... It was a cold night.

After walking for almost half an hour...the forest started to become a little less dense. A shiny lake was within site now. Lake water was sparkling with the moon light...it seemed like millons of little pearls were floating. It was a halt point to your little chase.
Amid of your admiration towards the flawless nature..your eyes were still searching for him...
Suddenly you hear a branch snap in the woods. You turned towards the source of that sound in fear ...

You - loki??? Is that you???
You - loki please ...this is not the moment for your tit for tat thingy...you can get your vengeance about our prank once we get back to the palace.

Suddenly an enormous shadow emerged from the woods. It was coming closer.. whatever it was.. this thing was atleast 21 feet long. You were petrified...you stood still.
That shadow was now out of the woods...two big red ruby like eyes were shining above you. As it came closer ...a clear image became visible.. it was a gigantic wolf...with black lustrous shiny furr..it seemed his fur was made of silk.. gleaming in the light of moon....his paws were as the same size as you...

That monstrous thing growled at you...you took a step back...he was heading towards you...as he came closer...all you could see was his big sharp teeth drooling on you...his fangs were sharp as a knife..these sharp carnassial teeth were capable enough to tear down the meat from a giant elephant...
Instead of running away you took a step towards him...you raised your hand up towards him like you wanted to pet him...his growling stopped. He leaned over you...you were still afraid but gathered enough courage to place your hand on his head and then you started to pet him...he sat beside you.. you felt relieved.

Seeing this unflinching attitude of yours...loki came out of the dark...

Loki - so you are not afraid of Fenrir i guess?
You - loki!!! Where the hell were you!!!!!! And fenrir? Is that his name??

Loki came closer ...sat beside fenrir.. brushing his hand through his lustrous fur..

Loki - yes..this is fenrir...i found him when he was just a little puppy...and since.. i am raising him as my own child. Come sit here with me.

You sat on the ground near him...grass was a little moist.

Loki - so what are your thoughts about this place and fenrir?
You - To be honest first i was terrified but then i felt...umm i don't know why but...i felt affection towards fenrir...and this place? Its just wonderful...i have never seen a place this beautiful in my whole life.
Loki - affection? You felt affection towards fenrir? (Raising an eyebrow)
You - yes ...yes why not...i just thought of him as a massive dog...and what a dog needs more apart from food? Love! Lots of love
Loki - we all need the same thing i guess..(with a stutter)
You - yes we do.. (smiling)
Loki - well the irony is.. the whole village is terrified of him..and to me he is the most adorable being in the world...i can't even let him stay with me...people back there at the palace are scared too... my brother likes him but he thinks he would be a handful if we'll keep him with us.
You - well that's bad...i am here for like 2 minutes and i think i am already in love (you said hugging fenrir)
Fenrir turned his head towards you and licked you...your dress was now covered in fenrir's drool.

Loki laughed seeing you like this...and for the first time you saw happiness in his eyes. You smiled at him.

Loki - (stopping his laughter) so why did you follow me.
You - umm...i don't know...i was just worried.
Loki - you don't have to worry about me.

That pain came back in his eyes.

You - yaa umm ...sorry for that
Loki - you say sorry a lot
You - sorry ..its just...
Loki - here we go again..(he chuckled)
You - (smiling) so this place...is this a get away for you??
Loki - yes... whenever i feel like i have to close my eyes towards the real world...i just visit my dear fenrir and lie down beside him... gazing the limitless sky.
You - whoa whoa...slow down mister.. how many whiskey you had at the feast? Is this the same loki i met a week ago?
Loki - (smirking) i am still the same...and i lost count after 8..

You smiled at him. There was a silence again...loki was starring at the lake...his ocean like eyes mixed up with the glare of moon reflected from the lake was heavenly..

You - can i ask you something?
Loki - ya sure.. but i'll decide if i answer or not...
You - you said you visit fenrir to get away from the real world... is the real world too harsh for you? Even for a god???
Loki - To me ?? Harsh to me?? You got the wrong impression darling ... I am the toxic one who does not fit in...i am the devil...i keep my distance from people so i won't harm them.
You - well..you seem harmless to me.

Suddenly all the calmness turned into his cunningness again. He stood up.. starring blankly into the woods.
You - (while standing up) Loki...what happened? Did i hit a nerve???
Loki - SHUT UPPP!!! Just shut your filthy little mouth.

He grabbed you by your shoulders...he held you closer to him...anger burning up in his eyes.. his hands were tightening on your shoulders..it started hurting you.

Loki - so...you still think i am harmless???
You - YESS (with confidence and a smile)

Loki loosened his grip...he started sliding his hands down slowly...his hands met yours..

Loki - what are you??
You - a filthy human?
Loki - (smiling) yup thats accurate

He stopped smiling and now you both were really close...close enough that you could feel his breath on your face...hands in hands starring at each other...there was a heat in this moment you both were unaware of....a strange desire of kissing him went rushed through your heart...and it felt like loki was going through the same feelings but he was holding them back for a reason. He stepped back.. your longing for the passionate kiss was left unfulfilled.

Loki - its getting late...we should headback..
Unless you wanna freeze to death??

You just gazed at him ... wanting to spend some more time with him. Loki hugged fenrir and said his goodbyes to him.. you brushed your hands on fenrir's head and said goodnight with a kiss on his forehead.

Again after a long walk in the woods (but somehow it just didn't feel as long as it did earlier... Maybe because this time loki was with you) and a carriage ride...you both reached at the palace.

Loki - So umm ... Here we part our ways...goodnight you...a little less annoying human! (Smiling)
He went on his way towards his room..and you towards yours... building up thoughts about these newly developed feelings towards the trickster god.

✨A love story of a villain who was never actually a villain ❤️💚✨Where stories live. Discover now