✨ The Almot✨

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You were standing behind loki.. scared..not sure how to deal with this monstrous thing.. Eleanor turns towards you both

Eleanor - Get to work Loki....Only a god can kill her...
Loki - Her ?? How do you know it's a her??
Eleanor - we can do the gender test later.... let's defeat the beast first....
Loki - oh please ...keep your commandment to yourself ( irritated)

That thing started marching towards you all...you could see the shadow figure emerging from the darkness...this shadow had 4 legs and 2 fangs type hands....it had 3 heads attached to the 3 long necks... like a giraffe....those faces were weird... kindred to human faces ...it also had hair on those heads and silver white eyes shinning in the dark...loki pulled out his knife from the sheath...

Loki - Just stay put...(facing towards your direction)
You - Just stay alive...(concerned)
Loki - Oh this is just a stupid beast...it won't be able to kill a god..(he chuckled and started walking towards that beast)
Eleanor - oh it can!! Look at those fang type horns... that are kind of her hands....those work like obsidian!! (shouting as loki was walking towards the beast)

Loki was heading forward in confidence at first but after listening to Eleanor his expressions changed....but he still continued taking a gulp...that thing attacked loki with his fangs but loki ducked and then rolled in the opposite direction...distracting that thing away from you....

You - How is he gonna defeat this thing with a knife?? We should do something!!!!
Eleanor - You are underestimating him love..(smiling)

You threw an angry look towards her and begin to walk towards him...

Eleanor - stop! Otherwise you'll be dead meat!!
You - I don't care what happens to me...

Eleanor grabbed your hand and pulled you back....you were trying to get free of her grip but she was too strong for you....on the other side...loki was cutting that beast's head again and again but it was growing back within a second....

Loki - Isn't there anything that will kill this beast???? (Out of Breath as he was continuously fighting)
Eleanor - i would have told you already if i knew something!!

Eleanor got distracted by loki and you took this chance and pushed her aside and ran towards loki...

Loki - What the hell do you think you are doing???? STAY BACKKK!!

Meanwhile that thing grabbed loki's jacket with her teeth using her longest neck and picked him up...

You - LEAVE HIM YOU UGLY THING!!! (You started kicking her leg from behind)

The other neck of that beast was now hovering over you...and it reached to you picking you up....

Loki - I told you to stay put!! You never listen to me!!!! (Struggling to free himself)
You - Me??? You never listen to me!!!!!!!!(irritated)
Eleanor - seriously??? Now is not a good time for a fight you morons!!
Loki - Don't stand there passing comments Eleanor!!! Do something!!!
Eleanor - My magic isn't working on this thing!!! I tried!!! And only a god can kill this beast!!!
Loki - ugghhh....you are useless!!

Saying this he started swinging his body towards you .... After 4-5 trials....he reached to you....he grabbed your hand and sliced the head of the beast which was holding you....but your hands were sweaty and your palm slipped from his grip....you fell onto her back ....that beast got the jitters....and started shaking his body....her neck was growing back again....you noticed a beam of white light was traveling from her other necks to the sliced one....and it grew back ....

You - LOKIII.... Those necks are linked to each other...try slashing them at once....
Loki - How am I supposed to cut these necks at once with a knife??????
Eleanor - Try your magic loki...my isn't working but your's can!!!

✨A love story of a villain who was never actually a villain ❤️💚✨जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें