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After struggling for 15 minutes you finally decided what to wear...it was a rose pink off shoulders gown with roses at the end..you stepped out of your room to have your first meal of the day with loki...you were a little edgy today...you have never felt something like this before...

When you reached there...you saw loki has arranged a beautiful table in the garden under a pretty shed covered with tree branches and flowers...most of them were lilies... There was a basket of different colourful flowers at the centre of the table..you were pretty surprised by all these efforts he had made for you. Some thoughts came across your mind... Is that dream gonna come true? But how are we gonna do it in the garden?? In open? Well who knows what fantasies a god can have??

Loki came while you were having these wild thoughts in the middle of a garden...you didn't notice him..

Loki - Good morning...fenrir's new friend!
You - (awestruck) huh...?
Loki - well you made fenrir your friend last night ...right?
You - yaa ...umm ...yaa ...i understood that....it was just you caught me in surprise... Good morning...
Loki - you look awfully confused today...is everything okay?
You - yes...yes ofcourse...i am just a weirdo...(grinning)
Loki - yaa i can agree on that...so lets eat! There are scones...omlet...some orange juice... anything else you might like?
You - (while sitting) no i am good ...and ummm ...i was going to ask you....why are we eating together?
Loki - well ... Consider this as an apology and a way to show my gratitude for last night...i was drunk and i might have said things that i wasn't supposed to..
You - ohh its alright...you were really nice and considerate last night...and that dungeon was a nice touch...
Loki - (astonished) dungeon...what dungeon??? (Raising his eyebrows)
You - (agitated and sweating) umm what? Did i say a dungeon? I mean the lake..yes the lake...it was a beautiful night...you don't have to apologise really..you were really good...i mean nice ...i mean umm (stuttering)
Loki - (suspiciously) is something bothering you?? Coz you are sweating and its really chilly here for humans...
You - yaa i am alright...by the way where is thor? I haven't seen him since last night...(changing the topic)
Loki - oh he got drunk last night and got into a fight with some ministers of the court...i have heard that he caught them misbehaving with some female servants...but those ministers are really important to our father...and he wanted to make an example out of this...so he sent thor to a village for some construction work i guess....helping the poor...as his punishment..but thor enjoys helping those villagers... So i guess its not a punishment for him..
You - ya he likes that...i have seen him...he helps everyone i guess....he helped me when i first arrived here...i was scared...but he was really nice to me...but those ministers are the ones who should be penalized...
Loki - yes...he likes that..and you are right about the ministers...but who is gonna take a stand against my father?? Thor idolizes him..

While you were enjoying your scones and chatter with him....Odin ( thor and loki's father) enters into the scene..

Odin - Loki...
Loki - (standing up) good morning father...may i introduce her...she is Y/N...she is from earth..
Odin - oh yes ...thor told me about her...(turning to you) how are you dear...are my sons making you miserable here? Specially this one?
You bowed to odin..
You - hello sir...(nervously)...no no...they are a delight..
Loki - umm ...we don't do that here...you have to kneel...
You - (getting on your knees) ohh i didn't know that sorry..
Odin - (laughing) please no... please stand darling...he is just teasing you..

You stood up giving loki a side look...loki was grinning..odin turns to loki

Odin - well...i came here to talk to you loki..
Loki - yes father..?
Odin - you must join your brother in Hedeby..
Loki - but father...
Odin - it's an order loki...
Loki shrugged..
Saying this.. odin smiled at you and left.

✨A love story of a villain who was never actually a villain ❤️💚✨Where stories live. Discover now