Chapter 3 pt.1

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Jasper's P.O.V

I stay in my seat a little longer, stunned. Izzy... she was something, and that feeling I felt when we touched, it is the same feeling Carlisle feels around Esme. Oddly I don't feel it between the other mated pair or between myself and Alice. Could she be lying to me? Is Izzy actually my mate?

I grab my stuff and head out the door to the parking lot as I think about Isabella. I feel a pull in my chest, that definitely means something. Back to Izzy, she's obviously not human. Her eyes changed colors, it shined a bright gray as she stared at us. No, she just stared at me and Emmett now that I think about it. She smells human, like a delicious one in fact. Her blood doesn't make me want to drain her, her blood call to me.

I wish I could talk to somebody about this but I can't trust Alice anymore and with the Edward the mind reader I won't be able to have any private thoughts. Rosalie doesn't seem to care for her, all that leaves is Emmett. We're actually a lot closer than you think Em is like an annoying best friend. He's goofy and never backs down from a fight. I also felt lust and some questionable emotions coming from him when he saw her too. Could he be also mated to Izzy? Is that even possible??

I collect my thoughts as I approached my car I see my siblings and girlfriend standing around Edward is talking about Izzy to the others.

"What's up with the new girl" I questioned as out of the corner of my eye I see Alice cross her arms and stomp past my siblings.

Before Edward could answer my question Alice is right in front of me and waves her hands in front of my face, "why can't I see your future anymore?!"

I let my eyes fall to her small frame and harden my gaze at her. I just stare at her for a  minute before I shrug,  "I don't know Alice." It takes everything in me to not growl as I say that. I don't know how I've always tolerated her behavior, it's disgusting.

"You're doing something! I can't see anything, what are you hiding Jasper?!" I hear a whine in her voice and it just sounds like a dying animal. I can't stand her nagging all of the sudden. It's not cute anymore.

"Look Alice", I growl, "I'm not doing or hiding anything!" I show my irritation in my tone and turn my gaze away from her, feeling the Major in me rattle.

Edward chimes in, "I can't read your mind anymore either. Maybe we should talk to Carlisle about this." I guess talking to Carlisle won't be so bad, he might be able to help me.

I nod, "yeah, so what were you guys saying about Izzy?" I go back to my original question, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Though, as soon as the syllables escapes my lips, I feel a fleeting sensation engulf my body in heat and excitement. A tingle rushes down my spine, and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck raise. I hold back a groan and look to see where that feeling is coming from. My eyes reach Emmett and we make eye contact. I shoot him a puzzled look, but he just shrugs and shakes his head in confusion, me too man.

"Izzy?" Alice voice floods my ears. I ignore her.

"Oh she's my mate, something else I need to talk to Carlisle about."

I almost growled at Edward's comment, but Emmett beats me to it. We all look at him but he just apologized it and ignores us. Okay, he definitely feel something for Izzy, and the crazier part is that I don't feel jealous even though I'm 90% sure she is my mate. I wonder why I'm okay with that.

"We don't need to expose ourselves to any humans, we could be killed", Rosalie argues.

"She's not human though", I make a point, "we've all seen that, and Edward why do you think she's your mate?"

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