Chapter 7

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(Imagine Izzy with her current updated looks in the picture above)

Izzy's P.O.V

We didn't end the night on the couch. Mid-cuddle session, all three of our stomachs began to rumble. I told them that because of the changes their bodies were going through, that they should fuel on blood and human food just to be safe and to allow them to have as much energy as possible.

"So like, we will need to fuel on both blood and human food for the rest of our lives or will we eventually settle for one or the other?" I ponder on Emmett's question a bit before the answer came to me in a vivid image.

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(Jasper and Emmett with red eyes because of vampire diet change)

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(Jasper and Emmett with red eyes because of vampire diet change)

"I believe because your guys chemical makeup is permanently a vampire, even though you are going through human changes and will have certain human traits, your body will settle back on a blood diet because that is your nature. You will have to change diets eventually too, but we can talk about that when the time comes", they nod at the information and I gravel some more of Esme's delightful food into my mouth. They were eating a bit slower than me, getting use to the taste I assume.

"What is this I hear about changing diets?" Carlisle's voice echoes through the kitchen as he made his way in here. Esme and Edward weren't far behind. All of us were suddenly unsettled with Edward's presence.

Emmett and Jasper tried their best to ignore him, but I could clearly see how they wanted to get me away from him. "Well I did a bit of research on your kind, I know with living off of animal blood, it's kinda like surviving off tofu. It's sustainable, but it doesn't quiet quench your thirst. Also, it doesn't allow you guys to be at your full potential, powers and abilities are dulled."

They all seemed to be surprised at the last statement, though Carlisle composure went back to normal immediately. "I'm sorry Izzy, but in this household we do not kill humans, we have a treaty with a neighboring tribe. They only allow us to reside here because we hunt animals."

"Tribe?" I ask even though I knew he was talking about the Quileutes. They were the only tribal shifters in the state. With vampires being their sworn enemies, I'm shocked they managed a treaty.

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