Chapter 3 Pt. 2

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Izzy's P.O.V

Finding the Cullen's place wasn't as hard as I thought. I didn't even have to use the mating pull to feel for my mates. I just drove to the edge of forks until I came across a huge glass house. I was sure it belongs to the Cullen's. I mean, who else in Forks would have a house like that.

It didn't take me long to reach their doorstep. It was a really nice house if you ask me, very open. It's also convenient that is surrounded by woods, they don't have to go far to hunt.

I felt my mates as I rang the doorbell. You could hear the echo of the ring throughout the house.

" Izzy ", Jasper's voice brought me back to the present, " what are you doing here? "

I smiled up at him, grinning from ear-to-ear. I felt the familiar switch go off, and I'm sure my eyes are now glowing. He looked at me a little stunned. I guess my eyes glowing a bright gray / silver would take some time to get used to. I beamed regardless.

" Hiya, handsome. I'm here for you ", I started to say and winked at him. I looked around his shoulder to trying to see for my other mate, Emmett. "... And someone else ", my giggle trailed off as a small vampire appeared and wrapped her arms around Jasper. He tensed then moved away from her, slowly taking her hands off of him.

" I'm here to speak to your coven leader", they look taken back from my statement. I rock back and forth on the balls of my feet, and messed with the lace of my dress. I felt Jasper's gaze go up and down my body as he took in my outfit.

"Like what you see cowboy ", I questioned. The small vampire growled at my comment, but I just looked at her and she backed down.

"C'mon in doll ", I hear Jasper say as he steps aside and motions me in. I take a look around. Everything is so... White. There's no homey feeling to the inside of this place.

" I heard you're looking for me ", a tall man looking like he's in his twenties or thirties approached me. He was wearing a white lab coat and resembled Mr.BedHead a bit, "who might you be? "

" Isabella Swan, Chief Swan's daughter. You may call me Izzy." I reached my hand out. He shook it. I almost shivered at the temperature difference between our hands. I knew they were vampires and that they would be cold, but this was more than cold. The chill had an eerie feeling to it. I got goosebumps as soon as his hands touched me. Jasper's touched felt nothing like that.

" Well Izzy, pleasure to meet you. " He started walking to the living room and I followed. "It seems a couple of my children wanted to discuss your presence, but since you are here I'm sure you can help us solve any issues. "

I nodded and smiled.

"Let me introduce you to everyone ", he guides me over to a slim brunette. "This is my wife, Esme. "

"It's very nice to meet you, Izzy ", she says very sweetly, hugging me in the process. I hug her back.


"I see you're already acquitted with Jasper, next to him is his mate, Alice", I raise an eyebrow at the couple when he says Alice is Jasper's mate.

He moves in to introduce the others when I notice Emmett is the furthest away from me, eyes black. The strings in my heart tug a bit, urging me to comfort him. I fight it and stay put.

"Emmett come over here so I may introduce you and Rosalie", he points to the blonde sending daggers my way. I smile at her.

"Emmett! Stop being stupid and come on", Rosalie yells at him and moves her hand to smack the back of his head. Her hand doesn't make contact though as I am across the room, stopping it from touching him. Oh cool, I have super speed now. Guess that'll come in handy being around a whole bunch of vampires.

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